Bill Donahue is Teaching What the Church was Supposed to Teach
I used the term higgedly-piggedly in reference to Bill's associations in his teaching, and the term still applies. He pulls stuff from all over the universe - things which have nothing to do with one another - and sticks them all together to build "proofs" to prove his points. Maybe he doesn't realize that it isn't necessary. I think it is an Evangelical thing. Like thinking that 'Abraham' means 'Father of Many Nations' without realizing that if 'Abraham' meant Father of Many Nations, God wouldn't have had to explain it. Abraham means something like 'MERCIFUL FATHER,' and because we are the Merciful Father, we are the Father of many nations. When you hear him explain 'Elohim,' you will see what I mean (Elohim simply means “Over the flames,” says Alexander).
BUT, otherwise Mr. Donahue's teachings are quite informative and very interesting, especially if you are interested in metaphysics. The idea that God is an intelligent, invisible Light to which the active pineal gland is sensitive is enlightening. No wonder the Biblical technique Neville learned requires falling asleep while dwelling in the desired end in the imagination -- the pineal gland is active and the message is broadcast to the Light.
The first link below is to one of Bill Donahue's websites. Subsequent links are to videos I have watched. As actor Bob Cummings used to say at the introduction to his television show, "I think you are going to like this."
Bill Donahue's Hidden Meanings:
I am in my 50's and have "been around the block" with regards religion and bible study; and I can honestly say that I have really learned the most from Bill Donahue's direction. I say "direction", because I NEVER take anyone's word for it! I research and verify things, as much as possible. When they say that Jesus taught in parables, that was an understatement!
4improve, at 2:33 PM
Thank you for your response. Amen! NEVER take anyone's word for anything (except maybe when they say, "DUCK!!") Once I learned that everything I knew was wrong, and that everything everyone else knew was wrong, I really got serious about checking and verifying what I was taught and especially what I thought. It's a running update daily.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:17 AM
Bill Donahue Is amazing. I have even a Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and have done a great deal of research regarding the Sufi’s etc Bill has put it all together for me. Truly inspired and so appreciate all his work!!
Hcc100, at 12:13 PM
Watched one of Bill's video. One needs to read the Bible and understands it with the Holy Spirit guiding. Compare verses with verses, understand the context. I discovered Bill's teaching on that one video is not in line with the context and the many other verses with the same topic.
Guys, study your Bible prayerfully under the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Wait what, at 7:33 PM
I used to say to anyone who cared that, "all religion, practiced rightly, leads any of us to the same heart of God. I learned during my NDE that the difference is what we do with what we're taught. You can't only be a worshiper. I don't think and God or Lord of any shape or size or ilk wants worship as much as they would want us to do all that we're able to do to practice the ways that lead top the best for the world. Another thing that I learned when that happened is that the Bible is mainly allegorical. I never really read it before then, just picked out passages I appreciated. I always thought it weird that I learned that when I never really looked at the Bible. I have in the last few years picked it up more and more though and I feel I get alot more out of it by reading it as an allegory than otherwise. If I want to believe the stories are true as well within it, that's fine but there's so much more truth in its pages than our simple beliefs of the tales within. I suppose having found his videos within the last week and watching several of them felt like some sort of verification although I don't see everything he says as the flat out truth. I think that no matter what we see, do, or study there are so many angles from which we can approach any of these things and that we should certainly use as many angles to complete our knowledge as much as possible. I may look at God and Jesus a bit differently now but I have more of an appreciation of my Father and Savior than I did, as well as a greater understanding of the workings of God's Universe.
grlpeterson, at 4:45 PM
I landed on this blog post while searching for more background info on Bill Donahue. I just discovered him and appreciate his metaphysical, practical, and inquisitive exploration.
Anonymous, at 12:56 PM
Thank you for reading and commenting. I have watched only a few of Bill Donahue's videos. He reminds me a bit of Neville Goddard, which is good, but also of my teachers back when I was in metaphysics and the occult, which is bad. I got saved from that! Take Bill's teachings with a grain of salt. He stretches some things too far and marries dissimilar things together. In my opinion, the church has rejected too much, and Donahue accepts too much. Try to match his inquisitive exploration with what you KNOW is real.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:51 PM
Yes absolutely correct, Amen 🙏🏻
Anonymous, at 6:08 AM
Have arrived here through google search of "Bill Donahue + bible teacher". After happening upon a video of him explaining some metaphysical/occult/esoteric principals but speaking much like a preacher (of which I grew up hearing 3's a week) I wanted to know more about this man. Your article was one of the first options in the search results. Even though your request for this info is quite old now (as the article was written in 2017 it seems), I honor the request for "how did you get here?" :) Thanks for writing it.
Unknown, at 11:42 AM
Dear Unknown 11:42,
Thank you for responding. I am still amazed that my post regarding Bill Donahue is consistently viewed. I like Bill in that as a preacher he saw something else in the scripture and investigated it, discovered what it was, and went THAT way instead of kowtowing to "orthodoxy."
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:33 PM
Same here. Searching about Bill and found you 5 years later :) - Bill is no different than any other person, saint, voice or teacher you may encounter, you take it with a grain of salt and let what resonates stay within but ultimately remember it should always be your path you follow not another's.
Never allow another man's truth be your own. - Me
Walk in light brothers and sisters.
LostNomad, at 10:09 PM
Anonymous, at 5:20 AM
It seems pretty drastic to have to die to learn a basic lesson that is so obvious I didn’t realise people had to actually learn it, i.e. that it’s not about what we learn but what we do with that info, but I guess if you didn’t realise that, it would take a pretty big thing to make you realise it because what were you doing in your life before the incident? I mean, what did you even think school was for? I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody before who didn’t know this, so I’m just curious, how did you get by before you died? For example, why did you think you went to school? Or maybe you didn’t and that’s why you didn’t realise that we get taught stuff when we’re kids so we can do something with any known learned when we get to be adults. Maybe you were homeschool and sheltered from the world?
Anonymous, at 10:58 PM
Same :)
Anonymous, at 11:04 PM
If we already KNOW what’s real (not sure why you had to shout out just that one word 🤔) but anyway, why would we want to try and match everything Bill says with what we already know to be the truth? That doesn’t make sense. Why not just watch his videos if you enjoy them and don’t watch if you don’t enjoy them? Bill isn’t pretending to be Jesus or the next Jesus, he’s not teaching anything let alone truths; he simply shares what he’s learned because I guess he discovered that some of us love that he shares what he’s learned. You’re over complicating it, keep it simple, you don’t have to analyse what he says and compare him to other teachers you like and don’t like, it’s not that big, he’s just a guy who study’s the bible and other ancient and spiritual texts like a lot of us do and some of us love his videos but if you don’t, don’t watch it’s hat simple.
Anonymous, at 11:13 PM
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