The Rehnborg Hypotheses: Jesus and the New Age of Faith
I have read the book a number of times, and while I would argue that Jesus as a man never existed, Rehnborg notes that the persons portrayed as Peter and Paul experienced something after the life of Jesus that caused them to become fearless martyrs to the resurrection of Jesus. What that something was gives me pause. Fear, euphoria, and wonder, too, even if Jesus as a man never existed. Simply put, Rehnborg believed that the human character Jesus believed in the Rule of God. That God is good. That God's words are true, and that He is faithful to them. Jesus understood the promises of God made to Jeremiah and Daniel regarding the Anointing of Consecration upon the Jews for the four hundred and ninety year period which was coming to an end during his lifetime.
In short, Jesus staked his life that he was to be the Suffering Servant and that God in his goodness and faithfulness would resurrect him as Messiah. He sent Judah to reveal him and walked his way, if you would, to the cross.
For all you Neville Goddard fans, this is something to consider. Jesus in the story trusted God this much, and in Galilee Peter saw Jesus risen as Lord. It might have been a psychic vision, but psychic visions can have cubic reality to them. Psychic might be the "other form" in which the disciples on the road saw him. We know that the church has made a mockery of the Rule of God by offering instead an easy salvation by serving them, but the early disciples preferred to die rather than deny that Jesus was risen for serving God. It makes you wonder: in what way did they see him that they would give up their lives to horrible deaths?
isnt the obvious answer that they saw what they claimed to have seen, a risen savior?
what men ever did what the apostles did upon confession of faith in a bodily risen Lord, based on a "psychic vision" of a "cubic reality"?
what psychic vision ever led a man to live a truly inconceivable life as those who confessed that Jesus Christ was the Lord, who died, was buried, and rose again the third day?
Those who reject, on the outset, the possibility of the simple truth, are doomed to wander forever through the vanities of the finite mind trying to construct his own stairway to the infinite, only at the end of the appointed time to face judgment without the atoning blood of Christ.
As a former atheist who came to know God through the simple faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, I pray you will reconsider that which you cast away as a possibility so long ago, for that is indeed the truth without which all men will surely perish.
Unknown, at 11:27 AM
I hope you will continue reading with more discernment than you have thus far displayed. We sincerely believe Jesus lived, died, was buried, rose on the third day, but in what form and what it means we work on. You are not wrong, but I think incomplete - there is more to it. T. L. Osborn saw a physical Jesus enter his bedroom. In the air. What’s that? Jesus is where I am, and Jesus is where you are. What’s that? There is more to Christianity than just being a flowery speaking troll.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:01 AM
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