The Becoming God

Friday, July 22, 2016

The Story of Jesus the Manifestation

The oneness of God is a really hard thing to understand and even harder, much harder, to explain. The idea in the Bible is that Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God. He reveals Him. He didn't just teach about him; he didn't just explain him; by his life he REVEALED him: "Ta da! Here I am!"

We have stories of Jesus the Manifestation as a man on the outside of ourselves. He is inside, of course, and is not divided from our own being.

"Hey, wait a minute, Dan. If he is inside and not divided from our being, then he is us."

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Give that player a kewpie doll.

We are the manifestation of the Eternal. Like it or not, you and I are His manifestation. The Story of Jesus in the Bible is the story of this manifestation of the Eternal in us. That Jesus, the one in the Bible, came and taught how to pray. And that is what he is doing in us as the manifestation of God that WE are. Are you listening, Israel?

I am anxious for Victor Alexander's movie The Story of Jesus to be made, because he is the only man alive that I know of who holds this view, that the Jesus Christ who was written of two thousand years ago was the Milta, the MANIFESTATION of Eil, the Shaddai, in us. Jesus is the oneness of God.

Victor needs to raise about five thousand dollars (he says $4500US) to be able to promote his movie idea at the American Film Market in November, 2016, but he needs the money now. All I have to promulgate this need with is this little blog, but I am asking you, if you or someone you know can contribute to the making of one of the most important movies of all time -- the message of God to us -- please contact Vic at (e-mail: Victor conducts fund raising campaigns through Indiegogo. I see on one of his blogs ( that his Indiegogo campaign is at I think it is better to just e-mail him.

I will be bold to ask for large contributions. A dozen people contributing five thousand dollars each wouldn't be too much. Nor would a few believers donating much larger amounts. Every little bit helps, too. Listen to God inside you and answer the Prophet's call. We are all He has to get this done.

On behalf of the Father, I thank you very much.

As an added, extra bonus, here is a short e-mail letter exchange between Vic Alexander and myself. Remember, this chain of e-mails starts at the BOTTOM and works its way UP:

Thank you, Vic, for considering me worthy of membership in the AAC (readers, see for the Ancient Aramaic Church). Are we going that way, or is it coming this way? I think the latter. I haven't gone anywhere; I'm just learning as it comes. I fully understand the difficulty of trying to express the purely spiritual in the flesh world (my blog is proof). Which is perhaps the point of the Milta: don't write it, live it. Manifest it.

You could work this idea into the title of The Story of Jesus, perhaps as The Story of Jesus the Manifestation. That is your idea, isn't it? Jesus as the Manifestation is why your movie is uniquely different from every other of the Jesus movies: He is Eil -- the whole of the Godhead -- in the flesh. NOBODY has ever made this clear before in a popular movie.

My deal is that Eil revealed the nature of His prayer technique to Moses, and priests subsequently buried the idea to keep it in-house. Or maybe it just got lost in translation from the ancient Aramaic. Exodus 3:14's original Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh can be reconstructed from Genesis. Adam is God's intention to become a state or thing -- Ahiyeh. The rib becoming Eve is God's creative power to give birth to and actually become the state or thing he intends -- Ashur. Cain and Abel are the acquired form of that state or thing Eil has become and its inherent nature of transitory spirit -- it is Eil, but in the forgetfulness of amnesia it thinks it is the state or thing He has become and not Eil -- hiyeh! (Are you taking my AAC card back yet?)

This is the technique Eil revealed to Moses for Jethro, God's abundance. All things are possible for him who believes like Eil believes. The Bible is first of all a prayer manual. Prayer is what Jacob was learning at Laban's. Jacob mastered it and graduated into Israel at his return to the Jordan to face Esau, the flesh. This is a very different way of reading the scriptures, but I think it is the manner intended by the authors -- and subverted by priests some 3500 years ago. You are the man called to bring it back. God bless your movie.

Dan Steele

PS: Allaha is still a foreign term to me. I have the same trouble with Hebrew terms in Jewish literature. In my mind, my language is just as sacred. If I have to refine and expand my native terms, I will. What I mean by 'God' is what I have learned from years of refinement and expansion. It is unique to my mind; it is Eil, the Ineffable, Alahoota and the universe, all of God's spirit and consciousness. And me. We are in there, too, manifesting Eil right now. Kind of a big calling, isn't it?

------Original Message-----
From: Vic Alexander
To: imagicworldview
Sent: Fri, Jul 22, 2016 7:57 am
Subject: Re: Supporting new essays

Hi Dan,

You've come full circle. You're right, Milta was the key to the understanding. Our problem was that we let the language stop us from seeing. We read but we didn't see. We heard but we did not understand. Now we see and hear for the first time, and hey, it wasn't that hard. It's like when John was in heaven (he was taken up spiritually, as if it were an out-of-body experience), he saw everything and understood -- he understood, but now he had to go back to the world of the flesh and explain the purely spiritual. He was told, 'of this do not write', meaning don't try to explain the spiritual with words; explain it through living the spiritual without abandoning the physical life. So your ephemeral co-exists with the actual.

You explain it better once you wrap your head around the intricacy of the spiritual-physical duality that we live on earth.

With Maryah's blessings,

PS: Say a prayer and induct yourself into the AAC. Now you are a fully fledged member. You don't need anybody's permission to live the life that Eashoa Msheekha wants you to live -- only an understanding of it. The Milta lives in you independently of anybody else. Now you must explain it to others the way you understand it. That's all you're expected to do. There is no earthly hierarchy to stop

-----Original Message-----
From: imagicworldview
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2016 3:58 AM
Subject: Re: Supporting new essays

Hello again, Vic.

Yes, I had to refresh my mind as to what I had said in previous e-mail. That would be July 1st. It is that the scriptures can be read another way. Much benefit to you, as that way is a Success Manual, a Guide to Prayer. Of course the Bible was created as prayer training, for if the Milta taught them how to pray then, then that is what Eil is doing now and always with us. The Shaddai provides Jethro. It isn't that the Bible isn't to be read as a history, that is fine, but the history is providentially arranged to teach us Success in Prayer.

I think that was behind Moses' discussion with the divine and the statement in Exodus 3: 14. Virtually, Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh means "I am . . . his/its becoming." And Ashur is the spark that starts or empowers it, which is to me the creative power of prayer or imagining: "Believe ye have received, and ye shall have."

I much appreciate your stance on Milta, that He is the Father. Inasmuch we are in the Milta, I peg us as inside and included in the Trinity. We have been made stupid ("ignoranced") in our present state, yes, but for a purpose: to learn how to pray like Eil! We need to work on it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vic Alexander
To: imagicworldview
Sent: Thu, Jul 21, 2016 5:05 am
Subject: Re: Supporting new essays

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your help.

Yes, I'm doing better. Tomorrow I go in for another minor procedure. In about a month the eye doctor will have both eyes treated. But I can already see about 50% better. So I'm sort of back in business.

I'm desperately trying to raise $4,500 with this new Indiegogo campaign. I just have to go back and meet my buyers again this year at the American Film Market.

I meant to reply to your last e-mail. I know you're into a badly misunderstood area. I'll try to find your last e-mail and reply to your last blog on the subject. I've been planning to make a series of videos on the Ancient Aramaic script and why it's crucial to the interpretation of the Scriptures. These terms that you mentioned are all on my list. I'm going to explain them each. You may have seen the first one on 'Eil'.

With Maryah's blessings,

-----Original Message-----
From: imagicworldview
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 1:01 AM
Subject: Supporting new essays

Hello, Vic.

You said you were having surgery on your cataracts, and I see on your site that you are back in business. Congratulations. I have been going round and round with a critic of my views which has been some fun. I was trying explain to her that the scriptures are non-dual even though we read them as dual. She wasn't having any of it, so I sent her some of your recent essays ( Thanks for the help. I hope you get donations and book orders through my suggestions.

I sometimes see ancient Aramaic script on your site. Being Christian and also married to a Chinese woman, I often see Hebrew and Chinese words and scriptures as calligraphy. Ever think of printing ancient Aramaic calligraphy? I am seriously interested in how Eil, Allaha, Eashoa Msheekha, Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh and other words were written in ancient Aramaic. No, I not getting a tattoo. Just thinking about artistic reminders. I'll retract this if I find someone has already posted all these. Yikes. I just did a quick search on Yahoo for ancient Aramaic calligraphy images. Not much help!

Dan Steele


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