Where Have All the Flowers Gone?: The Perversion of Modern Christianity
"Wait, Dan. I thought you said that he was the Christian, and that she was not."
Yeah. Go figure. It is like he learned all about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at church . . . and then chose evil. Well, at least the shady side. It certainly would not be an acceptable environment to raise a daughter in.
"Do you think he has been watching too-much porno?"
That is what I am thinking. The problem with guys watching pornography is they think real life is like it -- that it is how normal people think and act, when it isn't. It escapes them that porn is contrived and performed fantasies. Not that everyone isn't having sex, they might be, but not like that. Sex is normal, but perversion is not. The naive porn-site watcher thinks he is missing out, and changes his approach to life to match this assumed, perverse reality. He wants to live the fantasy; it becomes his expectation and relational behavior. Prisons are full of these guys, because real life is not like they think it is, and they find out too late after broaching the laws of the normal, moral, conservative society.
The woman's husband is pretty much why I do not consider myself a "Christian" anymore. I am a Christian, of course, but most modern Christians are like him, and I do not want to be associated with them. So many of the "saints" feel they are missing out if they do not foreclose on the widow. "My hands are clean; she should have planned ahead," they say as they drive away in their two-story SUVs.
The marriage bed is to be undefiled because God's relational character isn't a party room. God is very accepting, but he has fidelity to love, honor, nobility and moral integrity. He accepts the thief, and He leaves him a thief, but He expects the conversion of the thief to the expression of joy and gratitude and love and patience and forgiveness and mercy and grace and humility . . . and honorable work. There is value in making a marriage work.
What an oddness: to know good, and to choose evil -- to doctrinally reject immorality and selfishness, and then to be immoral and selfish. This is not the work the Lord would have us to do. We are to be like Him. Smokin' dope in an orgy we will not find Him. The Paradise of Genesis chapter one is the image he imagines us to. We ought imagine it, too, because that is where we are going.
Perversion, yes. It looks like your dope-smokin', wife-swappin'wannabe "Christian" is of the type often found in Europe these days: the purely formal, a.k.a "non-practicing" Christian. On that basis, he could well call himself a Martian, or whatever, it would not matter. For by their fruit you will recognize them.
Marek, at 11:53 AM
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