The Becoming God

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Abraham's Sarah and Jairus' Daughter Are the Same Story: An Insight on Metaphysics from Alexander's Translation from the Ancient Aramaic

The Bible is a success manual relating to the metaphysical forces that form the earth. Our intersect with these forces is the imagination, and the effective operation of the imagination is faith.

Abraham is the life of faith. In Genesis 15, his aged wife has not born children. He asks the Lord about it. Jairus, in Mark 5, sought Jesus to save his daughter. The stories are the same.

Females and daughters are the desires of the inner man, Jacob, the creative Son of God, which is the Ineffable's force in man. The inner man is those bits of consciousness who said, "Let us make man in our image." When we -- those bits of God's consciousness -- flip into the consciousness of humanity, we are supposed to make progress toward manifesting the Paradise of the God. Made ignorant by amnesia, we don't know how to imagine with faith, and our wives and daughters get old without bearing fruit. We need to bring the wisdom and power of God into the mix.

In these stories about metaphysics, not people, Sarah is seemingly past the age of bearing, and Jairus' "daughter" is an old woman with an issue of blood. Neither can produce children. Abraham and Jairus take the matter to YHWH, Jesus, who is the wisdom of God and the power of God and God's saving action -- which is the Ineffable imagining in faith. With Christ brought into the mix, the old women are restored to the youthful potential of child-bearing: our desires can come to pass.

You miss it in the Hebrew and the King James. They have the Lord saying that He will return. But it isn't the Lord who returns, it is the vitality of SarahThe figure of speech is polyptoton, for emphasis: "Sarah will truly return the return to you" (Genesis 18: 10, Alexander, see note). NOT the Lord returns, but Sarah returns to youth: "After being all worn out, I will become young again, but will my husband remain an old man?" . . . "Is that too great a feat for the Lord? That she return to you in this season REVITALIZED and a son is born to your wife Sarah?" (Gen. 18: 12, 14; Alexander; emphasis mine).

Sarah is returned to childbearing youth -- even the Philistine Abimelech desired her youthful beauty (hello, LOA) -- and the woman with the issue of blood feels healing virtue to child bearing potential. Both were potential being wasted; and both, when God is brought into the mix, return to the onset of fulfilling child-bearing potential -- puberty, "for she was twelve years old."

The stories have nothing to do with people other than ourselves. Sarah is not a physical wife. She is inner, spiritual desire for fulfillment of life's purpose. These are metaphysical forces which create our world. Our imaginings cannot fulfill if the Lord is not in the mix.

How do you touch God? Imagine with faith, for you are God. Recognize it. Yours is the force that saves and heals -- Jesus Christ in you. When it works, you have found Him.


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