The Becoming God

Friday, March 04, 2016

Neville Goddard and the Mystery of the Hebraic Language

In Lesson 1 of his 1948 series, "CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY," Neville said something I did not understand. I breezed over it because I did not understand it, and honestly, it made no sense to me at the time. He said:

"The ancient tongue, called the Hebraic language, was not a tongue that you exploded with the breath. It was a mystical language never uttered by man. Those who understood it, understood it as mathematicians understand symbols of higher mathematics. It is not something people used to convey thought as I now use the English language."

Yes, er, what, Neville? Hebrew was not a spoken language?

No. Of course Hebrew was a spoken language. What Neville was saying was written Hebrew was two languages, an inner and an outer (or upper and lower):

"The difference between the form of the Bible and its substance is as great as the difference between a grain of corn and the life germ within that grain. As our assimilative organs discriminate between food that can be built into our system and food that must be discarded, so do our awakened intuitive faculties discover beneath allegory and parable, the psychological life-germ of the Bible; and, feeding on this, we, too, cast off the form which conveyed the message."

There is a somewhat crass, outer written form that is commonly read and spoken. It simply conveys its overt message. The inner Hebraic language is an extremely refined substance that conveys life. It is quite different from the outer form. Each Hebraic letter carries symbolic and numeric values, and the numeric carries symbolic values. These are "the Hebraic language never exploded with the breath":

"It was a mystical language never uttered by man. Those who understood it, understood it as mathematicians understand symbols of higher mathematics. It is not something people used to convey thought as I now use the English language."

This is the language of gematria and kabbalah. It is how words like Abram, Exalted Father, become Abraham, Merciful Father. 'H' is the fifth letter in the Hebraic alphabet, and the symbolic value of five is Grace. So the Exalted Father becomes known as the Father Full of Grace -- the Merciful Father, the Father of many nations.

That is quite a mouthful, so the inner language was not spoken.

Which makes me wonder about YHWH. It is never pointed (the Hebraic guide to pronunciation) and is never spoken. I wonder if the impetus for this holiness was to remind us to read it as the inner language. "Don't glide over this, man." YHWH says in its way: God in you, as you.

More than this comment is beyond the scope of this article, which is a cop-out to tell you to look up more, if you are interested, at the numerous sites dedicated to the subject, such as:


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