If Abdullah and Neville Goddard Were Together as Ancient Chinese Philosophers . . .
A pair of ancient Chinese philosophers? Hmm. I just happened to have A History of Chinese Philosophy by Fung Yu-Lan (1952, Princeton University Press, two volumes in one, trans. by Derk Bodde) on my bookshelf. I can't tell you how happy I have been reading it again knowing what I have learned from Neville. It is like discovering Confucius all over again. Now I realize how religious Confucius was, and how ren, human compassion (written as jen* in the book), was the center of Confucian philosophy (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren_%28Confucianism%29).
"Heaven does not speak," said Confucius, but he knew that "heaven" was the God in heaven who was in control of the earth, and that the exercise of that control was God's "speaking." Thus the Chou dynasty under King Wen became Confucius' "Bible," and ren its Gospel.
It takes me awhile to read a tome like this page-by-page, but I have rediscovered a pair of philosophers I noted long ago who now sound (to me) like Abdullah and Neville: Lu Chiu-Yuan and Yang Chien. I am not saying or speculating that they actually were those two philosophers, for there were thousands of other Chinese philosophers they might have been (and I have only read part of the history); I am just saying, "Oh, that sound like them." Talk about subjective! If you would like to read some interesting Chinese musings and can find A History of Chinese Philosophy at your local library, university, or used bookstore, try volume 2, chapter XIV, pages 572-585. I have to admit I am enjoying the whole book. I can't believe how much I have forgotten.
*Jen is Wade-Giles romanization, an older code of phonic representations. The j is pronounced as the buzzing-sound only at the beginning of the word 'jay,' without the 'ay.' So it is 'jay's initial buzzing sound plus en, modernly designated as ren.
Is this the link ?
Lukas, at 6:18 PM
Isfuji, Thank you so much. That is the text I read, though I'm not certain it is the same site. I am writing blog on a bit more of what some Chinese philosophers said, about eight and a half centuries ago, about the original "Fu Hsi de" philosophy (Fu Hsi was the original ancient Chinese sage-ruler more than forty-two centuries ago who started what Confucius taught). Thanks again for finding the text.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:52 PM
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