The Becoming God

Thursday, July 16, 2015

We Human Beings are Eternal Beings at the Threshhold of a New and Glorious Age

We may have been living and dying in this sphere of forgetting for thousands, even millions of years. I have no reason to not believe that we have been single-cell organisms and germs and grass and bushes and trees and animals in all ages up until now, at which time we are humans just about to graduate from this death unto the new age of eternal life as some other kind of being, something like angels (which as far as I know are ideas of the Ineffable).

We know that as humans now we are at the top of the spiritual conscious chain. Every time we have died we have come back freshly forgetting everything that has happened before. Stomped-on, eaten, burned; we have always been born again to carry on in our development. Now we have reached NEAR the apex of all the development we can attend to here. We are still not ready to be as the Ineffable, but in the next age of development we will not die again. We will have "glorified" bodies. It is something that eye has not seen and ear has not heard, but is according to the will of the Ineffable in our continuing generation into Its likeness.

There are still ages to go in our becoming like--totally like--the Ineffable. We have the choice here to go on into "heaven," the higher consciousness, or to death, which is back here for another stint of development through anguish and affliction. We can take another stab at repentance and regeneration in our next life here, or accept Jesus Christ's offer to "Come unto Me." He is our imagination, the spirit of God enclosed within us as our subtle "inner man."

Jesus is not separate within us: he is us, but like the other side of the coin that we are. It is funny: the Muslims think that Jesus was a prophet. He is, of course, for he speaks of God within us, for he IS God--the power of God and the wisdom of God--within us. Every one bears God--Jesus Christ--within them, AS them. We cannot submit to God without submitting to his power and wisdom within us, and THAT is Jesus Christ. So every good Muslim . . . is a Christian.

Hello, people. Time to wake up.


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