The Becoming God

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

No One Believes in Jesus Christ More Than I

I am sure that some are offended by my statement, "I . . . believe that there never was such an individual as Jesus Christ as the Church defines him" (

The test of faith is not that we believe the historical timeline of Jesus' life, but that we believe that that life, the Eternal Life that he is, is in us: "Or did you not realize that He, Eashoa the Messiah, is in you? And if not, you are deficient" (2 Corinthians 13: 5; Victor Alexander translation).

The problem is the way Church defines him. No one believes in Jesus Christ more than I, but I do not believe in him that way. The Church's God is way too small. Their Jesus is way too small. God is not a big guy made out of unapproachable light sitting in a big white chair on a planet called heaven, and Jesus was not a man-child of God who became born as human nature and discovered that he was God and, having read the prophecies about himself, decided to die for us to save us from our sins. I believe the alternative:

The ineffable, Most High God is beyond all our conception and is totally incomprehensible. It is called No-thing not because It does not exist, but because whatever It is is nothing that we can know--none of this stuff is It. It certainly exists, and we get our existence from It.

Our problem is that we are "from" It. We cannot understand, in the ignorance that we have being from It, that we still are It. We equate 'from' with division. It is actually that we have 'forgotten' for the sake of individuality. We think that creation is separate from God. It is manifestation of God, for creation is not a noun; it is a VERB. As is imagination.

Here is the deal: the Ineffable is that unmoving consciousness beyond everything comprehensible to us. Just as No-thing does not mean that It isn't something, for certainly It is, unmoving (for It has nothing to move) does not mean that It does not move; It imagines. It (the Ineffable) is Its imagination, and that imagining is Jesus Christ. It says in 2 Corinthians 13: 4 that Jesus Christ was "crucified forcibly." Because the Ineffable imagines him. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever: the Ineffable imagines us, and WE are Jesus Christ crucified upon these bodies of flesh. We are sent to save this nature by elevating it through our remembrance. We "died" of what we were and are born here in ignorance and live lives in accordance with the will of God and eventually become perfected and ascend back to what we were with this nature in tow.

Moses and Mark saw the "big picture" of what is going on and found it convenient to liken it to the course of the human lives we are going through. Of course--this is an IMAGIC world. God has created it after his own nature. He can't do otherwise, because he cannot lie (how could he do what he does not know?).

Anyway, believe me when I say that I believe in Jesus Christ, that I know and believe all the kerugma (the message preached), but not like that. The historical man--I do not know. I wasn't there. He wasn't necessary, and Jesus Christ is us. God said we cannot do what the "historical" man is supposed to have done, but we can as us, so I am going with us.


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