The Becoming God

Sunday, July 12, 2015

We are Supposed to be Learning and Teaching Meditation

The strangest thing happened to me in 1975. I was invited to ask for the gift of tongues, and as I did, after I realized that I was rejected of God, I fell into a trance. In this trance, I saw that I had been living my life by my own decisions, which, as I had been given this life for God's purpose and not my own, was rebellion. I confessed God's lordship and cast mine out of myself, and was subsequently baptized with the Holy Spirit. I had not realized it, but this was a meditation.

Some time later, I was asked what Jesus had done for me. Again I slipped into a trance and saw Jesus scourged and crucified. As he was laid on his hamburger-like back on the cross and a spike was set at his wrist, he turned his head to me and said, "Come unto me." I heard it in my brain's hearing nervous system, "audibly." I had not realized it, but this was a meditation.

For many years I have been given a subscription to Guidepost Magazine. Hardly a month goes by without someone mentioning that they heard a voice speak "as clear as day." I have come to the conclusion that God can speak to our imaginations because he IS our imaginations. When Jesus said, "Come unto me," that was where he was heralding me to. I am a slow learner.

I know the Bible talks about meditation, and that we are supposed to meditate, but recently I discovered Aryeh Kaplan's Sefer Yetzirah and realized, oh, these passages in the Bible ARE meditations. The commandments in the Bible are not just outward, ritual things we are supposed to do, they are inner MEDITATIONS we are supposed to accomplish. Yes, the Bible is a success manual, and the method of success is by meditation. Napoleon Hill had his council of counselors, and Burt Goldman has his doppelgangers, and all their interaction is in meditation.

The church and the synagogue are supposed to be teaching meditation. Because they themselves are not talented in it, they give us a theology of our impotence and subjugation separated from God (Who is within us!): "I need an easy job, and to hell with God's will for your life."

I am appealing to my readers to take on a new life-course of ministry, to learn and to teach Biblical meditation. Keeping God's commandments is doing his prescribed meditations. I think I am finally going to have to learn Hebrew.

I hope I do not need to point out that this is ministry, not a commercial business. Please do not charge people for it. If donations cover your costs, great.


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