The Becoming God

Sunday, July 19, 2015

John Chapter 1 and My Being 102 Years Old on Facebook: It is not a Lie, Because My Dad was Born in 1913

I am 102 years old on Facebook. Of course, this is because I was in my father when he was born. My father was born in 1913, and if I was in him when he was born, then I am as old as he is--102 years old.

This is John 1: 1: "In the beginning (of my father) there was his manifestation (which is me), and that manifestation (me) was with my father, and my father was me.

We are the spirit of God, the Eternal one. We are Its consciousness, but It started to think of us, and we only know ourselves as us having forgotten our beginning. We were with It in Its beginning, and as It is eternal consciousness, It was us--and IS us.

What frame of mind is this, to be conscious of being your father? I was unconscious of all other of his life until I came forth as me, but from then on I was daily his delight. I hope. I don't know, maybe I peed on him a couple of times. Well, I forgive myself for that, because I know that he forgives me too, and I can take the stance of him who I am. I am just him still becoming . . . eternally becoming.


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