The Becoming God

Saturday, March 22, 2014

On Neville Goddard's Prayer Technique

See April 2, 2014

Chapter one in Your Faith is Your Fortune (you can find it online free; have a good anti-virus, though) explains the most important element in Neville's prayer technique. I will call it resolution to uncondition. Neville called it floating.

Resolution to uncondition is essential to theredom. You cannot be there if you are here, and if you are here YOU CANNOT CREATE THERE. The hallmark of Neville's prayer technique was the being of there.
Before the beginning, God Most High was unconditioned awareness of being. The unconditioned awareness of being conditioned itself by imagining itself to be something, then it became that which it imagined itself to be.

That, in a nutshell, is what Neville sought to replicate. He imagined himself to be unconditioned awareness of being--floating as a soft blue light--and, no longer "here," AS THE UNCONDITIONED AWARENESS OF BEING he imagined himself to be "there." He imagined that state--"there"--in vivid three-dimensional existence. Feeling the virtue of there's creation, he either fell asleep or got up and went on his way with the knowledge, the certainty, that there now existed and would manifest in its time.

The trick appears to be in recognizing that we are God. If we are, we are everything that God is. Then, we are also the unconditioned awareness of being and can visit that state at will. Neville's key was not a mantra but the inner awareness of "I AM," from Exodus 3: 14's "I AM THAT I AM." It worked for him, but that is a poor translation of the original ancient Hebrew, as I have noted in recent posts. The idea is more, "I come--by imagining--become he."

Erase your mental conditioning, your mental picture of you with all its expectations. Resolve to uncondition and "float." No longer bound by your expectations and conditions of who and what you are, you can create the conditions you wish to become. Imagine them vividly AS THOUGH THEY WERE "HERE." When you awaken from your prayer, expect that here to become this here. Some things may be immediate, like the other night when I mentally spoke to life, that power that is us and is itself conscious. I said to it, "You can heal me." And as soon as the words left my mental lips my neck, which was bothering me, was relaxed and the pain went away. I did not wait two seconds. Healings may occur before you realize that you are back here.

As Neville always said, "If it works, you have found him. He is your own wonderful human imagination."


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