The Becoming God

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Response to Florence C.'s Inquiry: Roughly, My View.


I should warn you, I am long-winded in type. I should warn you also, researching outside of the controlled literature is like getting caught up in a tornado - you suddenly realize that you are not in Kansas anymore. You may come to know better, be wiser, believe more accurately and intensely - but those who haven't grown as much as you will consider you a heretic, a dangerous heretic. I read the Bible differently now, trying to translate the proper names and understand the scripture's fuller meaning. "Moses" has a message for us.

You know the story in Exodus, that Moses killed a man and hid his body in the sand. The thing became known, and Moses fled to the wilderness. Moses didn't kill a man; he was just "a son born" into being a Hebrew. The word 'Hebrew' means to cross over (a river/barrier) and to go on your way - to expand. 'Egypt' is pretty much the opposite - to oppress, narrow, constrict. Moses didn't kill the man, he (maturing and expanding in perception) disputed with a narrow-minded, immature blockhead and "killed" the man's constricted views with wisdom, with his enlightened worldview.

Unfortunately, the blockhead held the prevailing cult's view and Moses exposed himself as a heretic, a dangerous heretic. Oops. Withdrawing to the wilderness means he learned to keep his big mouth shut and to contemplate these things in his mind while he played the cult's game. You can do that as long as you can stand it. When you speak the truth, they will drive you out.

What Moses contemplated, by the way, was Jethro, the jutting-over, abundant goodness that just seems to work to your advantage, kind of miraculously. Where is that coming from? Who or what is orchestrating it? These ideas were the "flocks" of Jethro. Moses found out, and THAT is what Genesis is about. Moses didn't give a rat's behind about ancient history, but what God is and what He is doing.

We are what he is doing. Adam, his "rib" (desire, the fount of creative power), Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth and Enosh through Noah and to Joseph is what God is doing in us. They weren't people, they are what God is doing in us. Translate their names and you'll see they are the story of each of us - states of being and consciousness we pass through cumulatively as we mature. Which is why the church doesn't translate their names; they can't give what they haven't got.

Third (or is this the fourth?) warning: I use a lot of references, not easy reading. We can't have big enough of an understanding, a vision vast enough of the ineffable Most High God. Rabbi David A. Cooper discusses Ein Sof - "that without end" - in God is a Verb. I had to read his book and listen to his guided meditations a number of times to grasp the depth of Jewish spirituality. Another book I keep on my shelf just to see the title (I don't really recommend reading it) is J. B. Phillips Your God is Too Small - a good point to take to heart. Cooper points out that the Ineffable is that being beyond Ein Sof.

And I say, not quite. The Ineffable is everything in every dimension AND that beyond Ein Sof. The Ineffable is one, a spectral continuing from the incomprehensible No-Thing to every quantum particle. All - the whole kit and caboodle - is Life, Light, and Love, consciousness and spirit. That is my opinion, anyway.

There is no division or separation, in reality, between any two points - a quantum particle in a piece of dust floating by and a single wave of light in space are as the heart of the infinite and eternal God. But still we can make dissections and distinctions of what he is and of what we are. Conceptual divisions are all right - that's what all those personal names are in scripture.

In rough terms, there is animal life on this earth. Primates, including man, are a part of this "natural" life. Holding in mind that there is natural, organic life on the earth, and life itself is a feature of God, we can suppose that God wants his life/consciousness on earth's level to progress to become life/consciousness on his level, thereby becoming his image. He desired form. The six-day creation is the goal. He imagined what he would become – for him, that is as good as done. He is the Becoming God, and we are on the road to his-leveldom.

That is a tough row to hoe for any form of natural life. How can life on this level progress to his level? "How about I give you a boost?" asks God. "And God formed man of the dust of the earth - a natural, organic man running around - and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life - the spirit of his own consciousness." Spirit, or God's consciousness, imbued the natural mind of man with God-level perception, mind and speech. We, God's spirit, latched onto man's spirit to develop it to where we came from. Like I said, we are the sent ones, alien invaders who forgot what we were doing half-way through the act. But we are not alone. The one who sent us is achieving what he willed. We had to forget what we were to become man, but when we grow up a bit, he slaps us upside along the head and says, "Come on, let's go!" And his goodness drags us along to the discovery of Jesus Christ and the meaning of life, to spiritual maturity and development - with man's spirit in tow - to God's level.

Is man trichotomous, dichotomous? Who's counting? Okay, I will: one. There is nothing but the infinite, eternal, ineffable, incomprehensible Most High God in this world and all beyond. It is him with whom we have to do, and he is the one doing. He isn't distant or even "near." "Immanent" is the wrong concept. Look inside and see "is." That breath from God, Jesus Christ, is now in you as your imagination. Yeah, right there. "Wait, I can't see that." Try looking in the mirror. Right there behind the eyes is the Almighty with-whom-we-have-to-do. Or, by-whom-we-are-being-done.

I get a lot of this from Neville Goddard. I listen to his lectures on (I have them on my mp3 player) and have read his books. I also love T. L. Osborn's crusade preaching on youtube, where you can SEE what God is doing (you have to fast-forward ten to twenty minutes to get to the preaching). The Dove-lady on youtube is such a lovely soul. Who else would think of reading Walter Russell's The Secret of Light? She reads some of Neville's books. My view of Moses was much formed by Gerald Massey's writings. Those writings may be harder to get without viruses - I think I got a virus from some downloads, but that was years ago. Massey is tough reading in any case.

And Victor Alexander's translation. It isn't that he "gets it," it is that he doesn't avoid it. What the Aramaic text says, he tries to just flat out say. I can't get very far reading his trans. without getting side-tracked on some exciting discovery. "It says THAT?!?!? OMG OMG OMG." He doesn't mean to, but he substantiates my weird understandings time after time.

Oh yes, will we need kitty litter in Heaven? I don't see Heaven and Hell as quasi-physical destinations anymore. Not since I discovered that the Ineffable created God, the Heavens and the Earth - but not as we think them. "God" isn't that God, but us God, the conglomeration of spirits of him, the echad (the "one made up of many" in Deuteronomy 6:4). Heaven is where the mind is, the original mind (his) and the mind in our skulls (also his). Earth is this organic life we have adopted and think that we are. Silly us, we think this isn't a dream just because we are "concrete." But God "dreams" to the state of concreteness! That is how he created everything that is becoming. He started it as a dream, and now it comes to pass. Mind well "dreaming to a state of concreteness." That is how we create, too.

Hell? We are restored to earth-sphere experience until this life we are develops more towards his level, the judgment. Remember, we have the human’s organic life in tow, too, because we so loved him we became him (or her). Restoration to this earthly plane is being sent to "hell." I suppose the animals keep being sent here, too. It isn't punishment, it is development - being generated into his likeness.


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