Moses was
a mystic, a priest, a soldier, and a philosopher, but certainly not a story
teller or historian of ancient peoples. He knew the myths that the religions of
his day had grown up with, and the truths they had grown away from. Then Moses
had a personal, spiritual experience and learned what those myths and truths
were about. He was inspired to
write the most important spiritual
things he had learned.
So we
open the book of Genesis and see the most important of Moses' spiritual
revelations. Gilgamesh? I don't think so.
Ineffable, the incomprehensible No-Thing, created -- becoming via imagining --
God (Its power that is manifest in a united conglomeration of glorious
individual consciousnesses, the oneness of Its power in many spirits), the
Heavens (Its power in directable, subjective thought, "mind"), and
the Earth (Its power in objective manifestation). How big and wonderful is the
Ineffable? The whole of all creation -- God, the Heavens and the Earth -- is
Its dream.
What is
It doing in Its dream? It is dreaming Itself into manifestation. It dreamed a
goal It wanted to become, a manifestation of Its own perfection. In that
manifestation It will exist as God, the Heavens and the Earth -- "Man."
Man, as a carefree, loose cannon enjoying every whim and desire that comes to
mind? No, Man as a disciplined consciousness responsible to the nature and
character of the Ineffable he is from and of.
So, the
Ineffable is dreaming of man, whose desires become living experience, but who
hasn't the compunction to conform to the Ineffable's perfection. What would
such a man do, and become, if he were confronted with the effulgence of the
Ineffable's Glory? I think Moses knew from experience. His desire (Eve) had got
him to the Truth of the
Ineffable, the Glorious One, and once there . . . being prostrate on the ground
didn't seem low enough; total surrender didn't seem emptied enough; awe didn't
seem contrite enough; and regret for sin, for lost time, for divergence from
Its Glory didn't seem deep enough. When you see It, you are destroyed.
We cannot
comprehend the Ineffable, but we can appreciate
It. We just can't seem to appreciate It enough. We free-fall, relinquish all
and depend totally on Its mercy and strength -- "O (Ineffable), What would
You have me do?" And so the powers of
the Ineffable fall before the
Ineffable in total abdication and obeisance. Conscience is born.
One is God, Father of everyone and Supreme over all, and Omnipotent in everything
and Omniscient in all of us. 7. To each one of us, however, He gave us grace according to their measure in
appreciating Christ. 8. Because of that it is said [in Scriptures,] 'He
ascends to the highest, He furnishes a resting place and He grants rewards to
humanity.' 9. That He ascends, however, is what, except for also that He
beforehand would descend to the lower depths of the earth. 10. He who descends
was the One who ascended higher than all, so
as all heaven should be in submission to Him" (Ephesians 4: 6-10,
Victor Alexander's translation from Aramaic, emphasis mine).
Man, as
the manifestation of the Ineffable, would have to be the Ineffable. Says It: "I would have you be objective, and my Glory shall
go with you; upon Its belly It shall manifest as you, eating the dust of your experience as the
earth." That is, the sender desired objectivity, went as the sent,
Dreaming the dream of a
mud-man, It naturally knew things as
a mud-man, and a mud-man is, well, dumb as mud. The reality and the presence,
the power, wisdom and glory of the Ineffable got completely dumbed-out.
Rats. I
hate it when that happens.
Not to
worry, the sender who sent the sent, the spiritual "second son," will
prevail to overthrow the dumbness of the earthly son and develop him into the
perfection of the Ineffable. "Israel" means The
Power-ruling-as-man: "I become what I become (I, and the world I dream in
faith, become what I dream)."
Oh boy!
Beer and pretzels and a big screen TV, feet up, the lottery and . . . .
No, no.
"A disciplined consciousness responsible to the nature and character of the
Ineffable He is from and of" -- the End Man, the Pattern-of-the-Ineffable (YHWH) made manifest. We need to keep
Its Glory, our Glory, in our
mind's eye, and appreciate Christ who has become us. The right Life has a sense
of the necessity to conform to Its perfection, to have and exercise conscience.
would Jesus do?" is a good question to ask. Not the first-century man, but
the power, wisdom and glory of the Ineffable who wants us and our world to be
all that we can be -- all It
can be -- to be: noble,
perfect in love and honor and integrity to Its nature. He is the Most High God:
immutable, glorious, and absolutely perfect. Christ is a high calling.
All the
shenanigans happening down here are not mutation of the Ineffable. When It
dreamed Itself in manifestation, It was. And every point and perchance
happening that happens getting to that perfection was created, also. It didn't
make Its end without a path to that end. "Oh, darn! You mean I can't get
there from here?" No, It made
complete everything from beginning to end. Tomorrow already exists.
Yesterday still exists, too, and every turn, start, stop and change. Every
possibility is perfect, past, present and future. Else how could it be,
"Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow" (Isaiah
1: 18)? The End is everything
(This is
one of those "tick . . tock" moments. I'll wait.)
Our consciousness,
our "imagination" if you will, is It, the Ineffable -- Jesus Christ.
WE are making it right. Yesterday's argument, we can redo, and will undo, by
re-visioning. That failing grade, we will undo. Today's missed bus, we will
undo. We will revision, and by re-visioning we will recreate the past, undoing
every wrong -- to right.
the heck good would that do? I'm not going to be on today's bus tomorrow."
But the cumulative effects from today's miss can, and will, disappear. That is healing, redemption of the time.
That is something for us to
do. We are commanded to do it.
Take the assignment.
was only a child when I got this disease." Everything was "got"
when we dreamed it. We can un-dream it. Jesus Christ is the God of our dreams,
of every thought and intent of our hearts. HE is the one who dreamed it, and HE
can take it away. The second part of his name, of his saving nature, is destroyer: he
destroys the present wrong and provides what is right in its place. THAT is salvation.
We go back to the moment before
wrong/sin was got, and the wrong is not
got. What went wrong doesn't happen. So wrong's effects disappear. Oh, did I
mention that to each one of us, He gave
us grace according to our measure in appreciating Christ? (Thank you, Victor).
Gave. The healing is already given;
it only awaits the appreciation.
Mount up
and appreciate him. Love him because he first loved you, loved you so much he
became you, cursed to suffer your sufferings -- that he might redeem you and
lift you the Perfection. Think about what Christ has done for you. Stretch your
mind a bit. He has hid eternity -- Himself -- in your heart, and only awaits
to me, all you mourners and carriers of burdens, and I shall give you peace.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as I am easy and gentle of heart, and
you shall find peace in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is
light" (Matthew 11: 28-30, Victor Alexander). We don't go "up"
to him, we go in to him. We
have two imaginations in us. Let them be undivided.
This is a beautiful post. Thank you
ccraig, at 12:47 PM
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