The Becoming God

Saturday, January 04, 2020

Do You Want To Build A Moses?

Blame the music from the movie Frozen on my granddaughter.

'Moses' is the germ of the Gospel in us, a potential we all have. Apparently, it gets built. Having some sterling, noble qualities in one's self, you find interest and education, the Princess of Egypt, in world philosophies and religions. You know something is there behind these, but you don't know what it is. Trying this and that blindly, you just make so much of a mess. It is there, and you aren't finding it.

Then you get some good advice and venture into the Median land of Yah -- the workings of God. "Hmm. I see actions, manifestations. There must be a real God behind and causing these things." You can almost smell it. You are reaching the state of Reuel, the friend of God. Congratulations. Let me share something I learned in Bullinger's Companion Bible, in his note on Genesis 32:28, Israel (page 47): "Out of some forty Hebrew names compounded with 'El' or 'Yah', GOD IS ALWAYS THE DOER OF WHAT THE VERB MEANS (cp. Dani-el, God judges)" (emphasis mine). It isn't your friendliness toward God; it's God's friendliness towards YOU! Holy Schnikes! Have you engaged the Hound of Heaven? Believe me, things could be worse.

Regarding 'friend', from

"Most broadly, the root רעע (ra'a') describes compartmentalization: to break some continuum apart into separated elements. Human minds are designed to be nodes of a much greater network of exchange, and must continuously interact to maintain a liquidity of wisdom — hence the noun רע (rea'), meaning friend or companion (and hence too the story of the Tower of Babel).

"All wealth requires liquidity and that requires units of economy to go around. This explains why "evil" — רע, ra', evil — is not the opposite of "good" but instrumental to it: hence the perfect Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the heart of perfect Paradise. Despite popular misconceptions, in the Bible, all רע (rea') comes from God (Isaiah 45:7) and has a specific and wonderful function in any naturally evolving system" (bold emphases mine).

This suggests God's friendship will entail the "liquid" exchange of Divine wisdom or intelligence with us. Hence Moses kept the flocks, or thoughts, of God's Excellence -- Jethro. And there he "saw" God. And God SPOKE! "My name or nature is Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh -- My imagination in you manifests as your life."

I suggest keeping your Friend close.


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