The Becoming God

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

God as a Team of Highly-Evolved Conscii - a Group Effort in Recognition of the One Consciousness Who Began Life: Another Interpretation

I sure picked myself a dilly of an avocation: theologian - one who works in the science of what is known about God. Or at least thinks he (or she) does. Have never made a dime in it. Not on my list of books for Maria (previous post) was Dr. Robert A. Morey's The Trinity: Evidence and Issues (1996; Iowa Falls, IA: World Bible Publishers). It is a dilly of a systematic theology, one of the best, which looks at all the issues concerning the understanding of God. I felt it too confusing, as Morey is a strict traditional Trinitarian who rejects modalism, the oneness I advocate. He carefully and thoroughly dissects this "heresy," portraying as misguided villains those I read as heroes. As he excoriates them, I say, "Hey, these are teaching points!" Good material either way, depending on how you read it.

I do not lessen the value of systematic theologies like Morey's in understanding God, it's just that they should be WITHIN the understanding of God's oneness. There. is. only. one. It says so. An Ineffable Manifesting by Its Mind. THAT, right there, is the Trinity.

We have to learn systematic theologies to understand biblical theology. They constrain each other, but they both must understood by manifest reality. They must be Biblical AND real. Systematic theology is certainly biblical, but the constraints we apply to it's expression go far beyond the Bible's theology and stop far short of God’s reality: (i.e., I think we do not go far enough in reconciling theological contradictions with their corresponding realities). God to us is a paradox: It is e'had, pieces as one (Deuteronomy 6:4). This is irrational to us, but it is God's reality. Should we go with it? We don't really have a choice - it's Its reality we are in. Don't diminish anything.

Which brings me to an uncomfortable possibility, that the one God might actually be a team of conscii united not only by their purpose, but by their shared recognition of essence -- that they are of the Consciousness in which all conscii are united as one (if you have a better term than conscii for individual consciousnesses, please share it with me). Not only that, this opens the door to the possibility that God, yes, the Father Creator God, evolved from matter. I gasped, too. Don't blame me: blame quantum mechanics.

This might seem extraneous, but as I was watching a youtube video on the expanding universe, in which the whole of our observable universe, all of that which we can detect by our eyes and with all our scientific instruments, might be only a tiny, tiny fragment of the ever expanding mass of the Big Bang, I realized that we as people are specks of dust on a speck-of-dust planet in what may be but a speck-of-dust portion of the universe -- infinitesimal beyond belief. And conscious. That's the kicker: we are conscious. Where did consciousness - "life" - come from? Furthermore, how does consciousness exist outside of matter, which is apparent from our experience of the Voice, angels, demons, miracles, etc..

It is scientifically estimated that the sun and earth are about 4.5 billion years old. And that the universe is about 13.7 billion years old. Our experience of this universe is limited to the sphere of light observable to us only because it has had time to get here in the expansion from GP Zero. The overall expansion of the universe from GP Zero is unfathomable. We can only detect a tiny fragment of it as the universe we can see.

Supposedly, all quanta (light? force?) come from the same singularity. If so, all are virtually or even actually the same quantum particle. It is argued that there hasn't been enough time, that there never would ever be enough time on earth, for a properly folded amino-acid protein to develop by random chance: 10 to the 164th power. Kudos to the commentators, and I agree with them.

Except the universe is not, like the earth, 4.5 billion years old. It is 13.7. And there are countless trillions of trillions of trillions of planets in it. And quantum particles have been demonstrated to learn (I hold that they are the Ineffable's intelligence believing it is the quanta, which the intelligence then becomes). Because in quantum mechanics, which I admittedly do not understand, split quantum particles are "entangled" and reactive to each other, the properly-folded random-chance protein only has to occur once in the entire history of the entire universe - observable and beyond - future included. 10 to any power is possible. Once it does occur, due to its entanglement the rest of the universe, the entire universe is instantly informed of life's potential, all the way back in time to the singularity. Effectively, the Big Bang then occurs - occurred - with the potential of life in its writing, and the future beginning of life is effectively erased. Don't blame me. It's quantum mechanic's fault.

Well, that is cute. This self-erasing beginning of life allows for the evolution of consciousness from matter, which, by the way, I do not believe, but hey, I wasn't there. If it wasn't the Divine's Consciousness who matriculated the first life in the universe, where did God come from? For there certainly is God, and evolution has to account for all that is here.

Let's suppose that from the singularity that Burst, life was a recognized potential in the dust which formed stars and planets billions of years before the sun and earth formed. Individual living beings, "conscii," emit their life electrically into the universal field, transmitting to and receiving information from each other. Over the course of time, some of these individual beings develop superior minds capable of independence from material hosts. This is far beyond astral projection and quantum jumping. They find blissful existence in the field, and recognize that the First Consciousness Itself, of which they are, is the Source of all existence: "God." They serve "God," the Consciousness, which they are and are of, by Godding in deference to it (see Cooper). "I AM THAT 'I AM,'" or "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (see Alexander Exodus 3:14 in many of my posts) (Good God, I've come up with another one). The consciousness of the first life in the universe informing back to the singularity would account for “he created the stars, also,” being so late in Genesis.

That "God" should be these countless superior, evolved, and united humble conscii answers the question of e'had, how the One can be many. It answers also how so many people hear the Voice, see and are served by angels, and are pushed toward their own spiritual development. Lesser-character beings also evolving to independence from physical hosts would account for demonic activity. At the end of the Season of Grace, one of these conscii upon a devoted man may have been the inspiration for the Gospels, constrained to fulfill the image of the beginning by giving his life for us as the first consciousness did. Conversely, rejection of and disinterest in these conscii as God may account for the S.O.B. syndrome: rebellious people being left to their own devices of ignorance, selfish, unsubmitted, dishonoring and disrespectful, bringing upon themselves their own poverty, calamity, and destruction by the hostile worlds they create. Our parents may be very tolerant toward our nonsense, but Father is a disciplinarian! Those who take interest in God and honor It are led to success, not because of their religion, but the Conscii's! These guys are believers. Their God? Probably the consciousness that informed the universe to the next stage of evolution for everyone.

Like I said, I do not believe in an evolved-from-matter-consciousness God. I believe "As above, so below," and this scenario might just happen to be the below - an image of the above Ineffable. The Ineffable also had to have a beginning, even if it was erased like the first consciousness in the universe (which is Its manifestation and  image). None of this, fortunately, is required as faith for salvation. We are asked to believe in the goodness of God as evidenced by Jesus, the loving kindness of YHWH. The kingdom of God, the conscii who manifest It, is the nature of the world for those who believe.


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