The Becoming God

Friday, June 14, 2019

A Good God To Be Dissatisfied With

Jesus is YHWH saving us; it is YHWH's goodness and grace. Its mother is Miriam, which means dissatisfaction, a sea of bitterness. There is that with which the Ineffable is dissatisfied, our not being like It. Our not being like the Ineffable is the sea of bitterness It is dissatisfied with.

YHWH is the Ineffable's action, which is limited to imagination (there is nothing else for the No-thing to move). The word Jesus, as you know from any word study, starts with Yah, short for YHWH, God, but then there is also a shin, a tooth or fire for consumption. Consumption is the destruction and removal of that which is dissatisfactory, which is our not being like the Ineffable.

The shin is followed by an ayin, an eye or fountain. Jesus' father is Joseph, which means (to me, at least) provider, an increaser. Abraham offered up Isaac, a sacrifice of submission, and it was said, "in the mount, Jehovah Jireh"; i.e., "in the mount, YHWH sees." I.e., God sees to provide what is needed (hence the translation, "Jehovah will provide"). In that provision by YHWH, YHWH IS SEEN!

Dissatisfied with your sea-of-bitterness sucky life? Sacrifice praise in submission to the Seer who provides, the fount saving us to life.


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