The Becoming God

Monday, June 24, 2019

Extended Reading List for Maria

This post is not really finished, but it would have no end, anyway. I realized that I have a number of books kept for personal reference on my computer. They, and the books I have stored in my garage, along with new books discovered and others noted in bibliographies (you do check those, don't you?) make for a never ending list. Below is a list of saved books I was creating for Maria. I have to move on, but am glad to have made it. The books reviewed have inspired me. I expect to extend this list from time to time as I avail myself of my files, & etc.. So without further ado . . .

I feel bad that I cannot recall and refer my readers to hundreds of books that I have read over the years. Their reading is not at all necessary, of course. The heart is what matters, and as long as it is aligned with God, whatever is read only reinforces.

It is interesting that in this information age so much can be found and read and even downloaded for free or a small fee online. I can't find my digital copy of Alexander's Jeremiah (it's somewhere in my computer), but looking for it I stumbled upon an old download of Dr. Glenn Clark's Silver Sandals. There is in it a long passage about praying in the Silence which might interest many. The whole Silver Sandals is about the Christian ministry of prayer.

Searching for a link to Silver Sandals online led me to Camps Farthest Out (CFO) International's Literature in English Resource Page. Wow! What a goldmine. Frank C. Laubach's Letter's By A Modern Mystic and The Game With Minutes are there, too.

On page 9 of the online Letter's By A Modern Mystic is my favorite of all passages (save those in the Bible):

March 9, 1930; Boundless joy broken loose:

"I look up at this page and it is not red hot as my soul is now. It is black ink. It ought to be written with the red ribbon. You will not see the tears that are falling on this typewriter, tears of a boundless joy broken loose.

"The most wonderful discovery that has ever come to me is that I do not have to wait until some future time for the glorious hour. I need not sing, 'Oh that will be glory for me -' and wait for any grave. This hour can be heaven. Any hour for any body can be as rich as God! For do you not see that God is trying experiments with human lives. That is why there are so many of them. He has one billion seven hundred million experiments going on around the world at this moment. And His question is, 'How far will this man and that woman allow allow me to carry this hour?' This Sunday afternoon at three o'clock He was asking it of us all. I do not know what the rest of you said, but as for me, I asked, 'God, how wonderful dost Thou wish this hour alone with Thee to be?'

“'It can be as wonderful as any hour that any human being has ever lived. For I who pushed life up through the protozon and the tiny grass, and the fish and the bird and the dog and the gorilla and the man, and who am reaching out toward divine sons, I have not become satisfied yet. I am not only willing to make this hour marvelous. I am in travail to set you akindle with the Christ-thing which has no name. How fully can you surrender and not be afraid?'

"And I answered:
'Fill my mind with Thy mind to the last crevice. Catch me up in Thine arms and make this hour as terribly glorious as any human being ever lived, if Thou wilt.

“'And God, I scarce see how one could live if his heart held more than mine has had from Thee this past two hours.'

"Will they last? Ah, that is the question I must not ask. I shall just live this hour on until it is full, then step into the next hour. Neither tomorrow matters, nor yesterday. Every now is an eternity if it is full of God."

"Akindle with the Christ-thing which has no name. How fully can you surrender and not be afraid?" Wow. What a revelation. What a heart of the man who heard it! I can't read the man without tearing up.

Among other books I have gained from, I am reminded of:
All the other books by and about Dr. Frank C. Laubach
The Spiritual Guide of Michael de Molinos.
Compensation by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe
The Secret of Light
It Works
Reigning With Christ by F.J. Huegel
Bone of His Bone by F.J. Huegel
Born Crucified
Divine Imagining
Prove Me Now
It's As Simple As This
The One Great Subject of the Word
Any of Bullinger's writings here
Rabbi David A. Cooper mp3's
Rabbi David A. Cooper's print library
Rabbi David A. Cooper's Mystical Wisdom Teachings
What I was looking for was Copper's guided meditation on the shadow of God, Zel Shaddai.
God's Guarantee to Heal You
I am very pleased to introduce you to:
From Death to Life by Dr. Ray Shelton
From Death to Life - the Book
From Death To Life - Dr. Ray Shelton's Family's Blog
Thank you, Ray's family, for making his great work available.
There is a Miracle in Your Mouth by John Osteen
The Divine Flow by John Osteen


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