1:24 Rides Off In Every Direction: Hopefully, A Lasso
Anonymous 1:24 here again. Not to beat a dead horse (or overuse a metaphor ha!), but I am still trying to parse out the dualism in the supposed non-duality of this theology. Would you please reconcile the following extracts from this, your post...
"The Bible, from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Revelation, is about us--it is our story; it is about our lives. And it is about God. It just so happens that we ARE God. He is a non-dual reality; the e'had that he is (Deuteronomy 6:4) is EVERYTHING."
And this:
"Each of us is a unique manifestation of the same God appearing in different men and women. He is all of us, and we are the masks he is wearing. There is only one God, and he has become everything; but what he is, well, that is what we are in truth. And that would be imagination, consciousness, the intelligence that is power."
With this:
"We have done whatever we please with no regard for what God created us for. We live as Gods unto ourselves, as though we owned ourselves. This is rebellion, rebellion as witchcraft, rebellion against the purpose God has for our existence. We belong to HIM!!"
And also with this:
"This is true: God cannot accept us if we think we are his peer, that we are 'other,' separate and divided from him and operating of our own volition. Our thorough, true submission unto God is like a good suicide; it is the death of our self-lordship, of our rebellion of independence. When we fully surrender, get all the way down with no independence left, we find acceptance and the rest of God. We are him, and we are his. We become unconditioned awareness of being: no agenda--what he wants is what we will do--it is all up to him! This is Noah. When our self-lordship is dead, then God can move."
If that, how then am "I" the "operant power"? How then do I satisfy my human/earthly desires by living in the end? And what happens to Neville's notion that all of my desires are God's desires?
This to me sounds a lot like a residual of the Seth-religion you mention - which I was raised in. Its punchline: pray all you want, but in the end it's God's will that is done. **Hence, no point in praying. Yes, prayer in that context is the pleading supplicant kind, but what does it matter the definition? Even defining it as entering the state of the wish fulfilled, it sounds like you are saying some desires are God's or "of God" and others not.
**(side note: I remember as a child - and as an adult - arguing with all of the "if it's God's will" 'prayer warriors' that, if it's all down to God's will, then.. the Vietnam War, the Holocaust, human trafficking, child abuse, cancer... all must be God's will [Deuteronomy 32:39].... "Oh no, no, no. That's all the Devil." Really? God must be some wimp huh?)... D U A L I S M
Likewise, saying that there is some part of being human that can abdicate/overthrow God's will is a dualistic paradigm. We see it everywhere. Orthodox religion: Devil and Sinful Nature vs God's will. Course in Miracles: Ego Thought System vs God. Etc etc.
Add to that:
"We must abdicate our position, quit, and cast it out of ourselves. And if we happen to fall flat on our face when we do relinquish self-control, what is that to us? He is powerful to catch us, if he so wills!"
Brings me right back to the distrust of the bearded sky God who would break my fall... if he felt like it. Why should I trust a God like that? That doesn't sound like a loving father to me. It can't be to let me "fall on my face" to learn some cosmic lesson. What lesson would I need to learn if the premise is true that I am God? If I am, I've already got the answer key to the test.
Am I God or not?
By Anonymous Anonymous 1:24, at 12:00 PM
Dear Anonymous at 1:24,
Yes, you are.
You are God in the process of realizing that. There is no "other." There is no lesson. There is nothing to learn. As far as parsing out dualism and non-dualism, I am not sure the horse has more to give (but thanks for reading so much of my blog).
There is Consciousness, capital 'c'. I believe It to be the consciousness of an Ineffable Non-thing. The Ineffable Non-thing and Its Consciousness (Mind, Thought, Imagination, Force, Kingdom, or whatever you want to call It) are one "thing," two facets of the "Trinity." I believe that the intelligence of the Ineffable Non-thing in Its Consciousness (Imagination, or "God" to us) has the power, or rather is the power to become whatever It believes Itself to be. I mean this on the quantum level, that the Intelligence of the Ineffable Non-thing became the stuff the universe is made out of for the purpose of facilitating everything the Consciousness of the Ineffable Non-thing imagines Itself to experience. But do not think this matter to be dead; it is as alive as anything can be. It forms whatever the Ineffable wills: we are healed by the Holy Spirit, this Intelligence, who testifies, "You are God." Thinking we are not is blasphemy.
Stir that around a little bit and you can detect three things: The Ineffable Non-thing; Its Consciousness, which is Mind, Imagination, "God," or Whatever; and Its Intelligence, which becomes whatever is "concretely" manifest: the Trinity. Beyond this there is nothing. Within this there is everything. It is one monstrously huge, unfathomable Non-thing-and-all-Things. Everything, everyone, and yet only one. Why this is hard for anyone to figure out I haven't got a clue.
Everything is this One-thing, but we distinguish every shape, size, color and relationship in It and name them individually. This distinguishing and naming of individual pieces creates the conceptual illusion of their independence, of the separateness of individuals from all the other individuals. This is why Neville's vision of the sunflowers with human faces in "Unless I Go Away" is so interesting to me. Each sunflower, I imagine, saw itself as an individual independent the Whole: "I was free." THAT is the rabbit hole we all have gone down to this life, er, death of ignorance. If the sunflowers are God's Imagination, we are that Imagination made ignorant -- isolated and "ignoranced" -- to get over that ignorance. What ignorance? That we are independent, separate from the one; that God is something else; that there is anything other than the One Ineffable Non-thing Who is All Things. The Ineffable is the original package deal.
And the Big Guy likes Truth, capital 't'. That every thing is the One is Truth. Any thing thinking it isn't is a fault in Him. He doesn't like faults, and is compelled to fix them. What is the fix? The fix is for the thing to come to the awareness that it is the One. This needs to be discovery, an awakening, not a philosophical lesson learnt. There is nothing to learn. Miracles are among the flags that slap us upside along the head saying, "WAKE UP, DUMMY!" "Obviously," we think to ourselves when we see or experience one, "there is something else going on." Promulgation of the Gospel, the broadcasting miracles accomplish, is the Ineffable fixing It's problem.
I hope that you can catch this: my language is faulty - everyone's language is faulty - in that we speak of God as another, when It isn't. This is why I sometimes tout advaita: "not one, but not two." You list above, "the Vietnam War, the Holocaust, human trafficking, child abuse, cancer... all must be God's will [Deuteronomy 32:39].... 'Oh no, no, no. That's all the Devil.' (Really? God must be some wimp huh?)... D U A L I S M." No, it is not dualism. We are the bearded sky God. "Why don't you do something about it, God?" we in ignorance cry. "I DID," He answers. "I allowed YOU to make it, O bearded sky God. YOU are operant power. The ball is in YOUR court." Our experiential IGNORANCE OF BEING THE ONE, isolated as it is here, is a disease in the Ineffable Non-thing. This death, the sphere of our existence, is QUARANTINE. Haven't you heard, Satan - ignorance - is the cause of disease? We participate in the Ineffable Non-thing in casting Satan out and bringing deliverance and healing. THERE ISN'T ANOTHER GOD OUT THERE.
The Big Guy wants us to buy into discovery. Our desires in this ignoranced state nevertheless coming to pass flag the reality of our godhood, of our being the Big Guy, to us. It doesn't matter if you want a nice fish sandwich or lasagna, the Big Guy's desire is that we come to the discovery that we are Him. THAT is what we are destined to: "memory returns."
Not knowing that we are the One does not make us two. Creation is part of the organic Whole that is the Ineffable, eh, Expanded. We have a Manifestation now. Creation is not a remotely controlled existence apart from God. We are manifestation of a terrible disease in God which must be being healed. That will be when Satan - ignorance - and this death it causes are totally vanquished. Capisce?
Which brings us to the end of the Season of Grace. From Isaiah to Jeremiah to Daniel to Cyrus, there was announcement of an ILLUSTRATIVE ANOINTING UPON ISRAEL. That anointing culminated in YHWH being seen in a man who gave his life in a conviction he was the destined Messiah. Was he there, or is he you?
Hi Dan!
Thank you for taking the time to reply so thoroughly, and yes I love your blog! I should have left out the bit about the bearded sky God, because really I'm past that. I was just mentioning it because the "self-lordship rebellion" versus "what God created us for" reminded me of that dualism.
Where you wrote, "Why this is hard for anyone to figure out I haven't got a clue." I'm not having a hard time with anything you wrote up to that point, nor anything after it, except for the "Our experiential IGNORANCE OF BEING THE ONE, isolated as it is here, is a disease in the Ineffable Non-thing." Specifically the word "disease." Because God chose to make us (itself) ignoranced. But I will contemplate this further.
I think for myself, if I Am God, then I must conclude that this idea (encapsulated as) "the death of our self-lordship, of our rebellion of independence" must be a false/inaccurate notion (for me), because if I'm God then there is no separate "self" that is rebelling against Myself (God). How could there be, if there is only God in the world?
(I hit publish on this comment. It said successfully published, and now it's asking me to do it again. Apologies if it appears twice).
Anonymous 1:24, at 8:44 AM
My sarcasm was not directed at you. We are all taught from early childhood that God is separate from us; that He is either a glorious primate watching from a distance, or a present and pervasive spirit not actually touching anything. That that separate and wholly other God made everything out of nothing and is completely divided from it is basic Christian theology spouted in every church. And in my opinion completely wrong. When I said, "Why this is hard for anyone," I meant, "Why is this hard for everyone?" I wrote the reason here, then decided to erase it.
My point about ignorance being a disease in the Ineffable is not that It created us ignorant; it is that we are ignorant. Were ignorant, and still are ignorant. Yes, in my "senseless drivel" speculation, which this all is, we existed as God's consciousness before we descended into the ignorance of amnesia in this state of death. But before we descended, we were ignorant of what we are here to discover. THAT's why we were sent. We have gone from sunflowers to rats. The philosophical lesson to learn is that we are God. But the thing to discover is the being of the Father. Not as an opinion, but as an action. God did not choose to make us ignorant; he chose to manifest our condition. We are concentrated, refined stupidity - God, and not knowing it, because we were concentrated and refined stupidity. Not aware of it. Not believing it. Not participating in it and not practicing it. Contemplate this. And if it helps, google John G. Lakes Ministry and Curry Blake. Blake presents the church's view of one-chance only get it or hell, but like I said, oh, no. I erased that.
The Ineffable is growing. Evolving. In our ignorance, we think this life is ours. In eternity past, we thought our life was ours. But we were, and are, the consciousness and imagination OF the Ineffable Non-thing, and are FOR the Ineffable Non-thing. We owe 100% of ourselves to God, for he OWNS us. Because we are him and are his. Ready to pay up? Can you come up with 100% of your life for him? Didn't think so. Redemption allows for us to pick it up from here. Thank the guy who gave his life to redeem us.
"If I'm God then there is no separate 'self' that is rebelling against Myself (God). How could there be, if there is only God in the world?" Yes, there is no separate self. That is exactly my point. But are you or anyone else aware of that reality and living it in practice? No. Then how are any of us not in rebellion? Ignorance. It wasn't our fault we were ignorant. We are forgiven for the ignorance natural to us and the redemption. Getting us to be like Him is the evolution at hand. God is healing his disease. We are God. There is only God in the world. This has to be where the healing, the evolution takes place. Take the forgiveness, receive the Holy Spirit, and participate in BEING the Ineffable. Christ is YOUR action.
Dan Steele
PS: If Satan casts out Satan, his kingdom cannot stand. If God forces us to become like him, which pretty much is what is going on (and praise him for it!), his kingdom also does not stand as it was before, but IMPROVES. Onward and upward is His Excellence -- Jethro.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:14 AM
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