The Becoming God

Friday, November 18, 2016

Unclear on the Concept: Learning from the Protesters of the 2016 American Presidential Election: If the Time for Action was BEFORE the Election . . .

What can we learn from the protesters in American cities now actively rejecting the election of President Trump? It should be obvious that the time to protest and reject him as President was BEFORE the presidential primaries were complete. Certainly BEFORE the election was held. What good does it do to protest AFTER the election? His election is a "done deal," and no amount of protesting is going to change it. To protest now is about a day late, wouldn't you say?

It is apparent that we are living reactively in an imagic world. First, things happen (which we in our ignorance have caused); then, we react. This is out of order. Just as the time to cause Donald Trump to NOT become President was BEFORE the election, the time to cause the world we want is BEFORE we get a world we do not want. We should cause first; and let the world react.

In respect to this order, in Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10 there are a couple of strange illustrations. I understand that the "wheels within wheels" are probably references to the astrological constellations in the stars (eyes), which correspond to the children of Jacob, which are facets of the mind, which is our imagination which rules the world. As imagination is God, the Potter, the wheels within wheels may be construed as potter's wheels, or the implementation of the Kingdom (powers) of God over the affairs on the earth. That sounds round about, but the effect is that the creatures move first, and the wheels follow whatever they do, just as the potter casts the pot and the clay follows his fingers:


"15 As I was looking at the four creatures I saw four wheels touching the ground, one beside each of them. 16All four wheels were alike; each one shone like a precious stone, and each had another wheel intersecting it at right angles,17so that the wheels could move in any of the four directions.18 The rims of the wheels were covered with eyes. 19Whenever the creatures moved, the wheels moved with them, and if the creatures rose up from the earth, so did the wheels.20The creatures went wherever they wished, and the wheels did exactly what the creatures did, because the creatures controlled them.21So every time the creatures moved or stopped or rose in the air, the wheels did exactly the same."

Therefore, we should think things well first, imagine good lovingly, intend beneficial results before actions. Represent things going pleasantly in your mind's eye BEFORE the opposite occurs. Like the kid said, pay it forward.


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