The Becoming God

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

No Trespassing: Once Delivered, Keep Your Estate (The Epistle of Jude)--Lord, Forgive Us Our Trespasses

A man who wishes to manifest his heart and the essence of his being cannot do better than a son who elects to be exactly like him: "That . . . is me."

I absolutely believe T. L. Osborn's testimony that the Risen Jesus Christ walked into his bedroom in the air: "His feet were like pillars of integrity." He saw that THAT Jesus is the real deal. When we discover that THAT world, the Biblical world, is real, we are to stay like that--in it. There are those who say we do not have to, that we can be wild, that we can do and have anything we want. Saint Jude said, "Uh, no. Our inner Life does not work that way." There is the Manifestation, which is one world, and there is the flesh--the world, which is another. We may be in one, but of the other. Don't mix them up.

5b. " . . . (Y)ou all know that God in one season saved the nation from Egypt, but in the second season He destroyed those who did not believe.
6. And the angels who did not guard their head, except left their abode, He keeps under guard in the netherworld,* (unknown prisons) in the dark abyss until the great Day of Judgment.
7. Thus also Sodom and Gomorrah, and the towns around them, where they, in like manner, fornicated and went after other flesh, are consecrated under the same universal fire, as they deserve the Judgment.
8. Similarly also those who lust in their dreams for the defilement of the flesh, reject the Lordship and blaspheme the Glory.
10. Those, then, that blaspheme against what they know not, who treat the natural phenomena like dumb creatures, are then destroyed by that [same fire.]

14b. (Enoch) "Behold, there will come the Lord with the multitude of saints.
15. "To judge everyone and rebuke all the depraved for every outrageous act that they performed, and for all the foul words that they spoke, depraved sinners that they are!"

16. These are those who complain and spite whoever they please, and go around according to their own pleasures, and utter scandalous words with their mouths, and glorify certain personalities for the sake of financial reward.
17. You, however, my beloved, remember the words that were spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,
18. Who told you that in the last season there will be those who will laugh and follow their pleasures of depravity.
19. Those who choose the selfish behavior, the Spirit is not in them.

20. You, however, my beloved, through your holy faith become children of the holy Spirit anew, as you pray on your knees.
21. Let us guard our souls by the love of God, then, as we await* (hold on to) the marriage feast* (betrothal) of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live with Him eternally* (to the end of the universe).
22. And pluck certain [souls] out of the fire,
23. As they would surely die; have mercy on them, then, through submission, as you abhor even the tunic that is besmirched by the flesh (Alexander).

Do you see a pattern here, the pattern that Jude saw? The Milta, the Ineffable's heart and essence, is a package becoming OUT OF the flesh, no longer being of it. If we are still "of "the flesh, of that estate, we are missing the boat. Legalism! you scream. Well, yeah. Not mine, though. If you believe in any spiritual Law, recognize that there is, in fact, LAW; absolute Law that is enforced BIG time. Love and honor Eil Shaddai, Allaha, the Ineffable, His Manifestation (the Milta--Eashoa, the Life-giver). Stay awesome in the Lord's estate--YOUR estate.


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