Would You Forgive the Milta?
The Milta (Aramaic; Miltha) is the Manifestation of the Ineffable Being. The Ineffable Being has ASSUMED what it would be like for It to be fully, completely manifest, and that assumption is to the Ineffable Being fully and completely EXISTENT. THAT is what assumption IS. The Milta is an ASSUMED Being. Its existence is assumed, but it isn't, yet. Like the Ineffable Being, the Milta, which IS the Ineffable Being manifested, exists outside the constraints of time. EXCEPT, that which is assumed . . . has yet to become. E.g., you can imagine living in a house you plan to build to the experiencing of it, but you still have to build the house for that experience to be fulfilled.
There is a twain between a thing's assumption and its fulfillment. Welcome to the universe and time. Their (our) whole purpose is to generate--build--the fulfillment of the Divine Assumption, the Milta.
Okay, we have two things here: the unmanifested Ineffable Being, and Its full and complete Manifestation in form, the Milta, the Divine Assumption which must yet become. See any problems? Two are perfect, all else in the twain is UNLIKE either of them. It exists in sin, the missing of the mark of being like God. All that is in the twain was caused and created by the Ineffable Being, by the Milta, to generate the Ineffable's likeness in the Milta's final state. In creating the twain, God created, and is responsible for, sin.
Did you sin? Have you sinned? I know I have. We all have been born in sin, in the unlikeness of God that the twain is. And whose fault is that? The Ineffable Being's, and Its Milta's crucifixion upon flesh at the beginning for Its becoming. What have you and I got to do with that? Well, we are naturally in and of the twain, and we are part of the Milta DOING Its generation within it. The Milta has, in fact, become us to generate us into the fulfillment of the Divine Assumption It is. In Eashoa (Aramaic: "Life-giver"; i.e., Jesus) the Milta Itself became manifest--just as we ourselves, the imagination of the Milta, have become manifest in these bodies--and took upon Itself all the sin of the twain, the world (including us), It has created and is responsible for. It died for it, gaining the right to forgive it.
There is a division here. In the death of the Divinely Assumed Milta there is a rejection of the unlike-God-ness of the twain, and an acceptance of the like-God-ness of the Milta that is generated in the twain. This creates, if you will, two distinct camps and two divergent destinies. In them we may either go with the unGodlikeness of the twain we are, i.e., stick with it, or we can go with the Milta we are here to become. We can Milta-ize.
There is a Law revealed in the process of assumption, that that which is rejected--the existent state--will leave. The state rejected by the Ineffable Being for Its Manifestation was unmanifestedness. In the final state, there is the Milta, and THE TWAIN DISAPPEARS!! I do not want to pitch my tent in the latter camp.
The Milta's death for our--Its generative twain's--sinfulness, is our door to being joined to the Milta's final state. Choose to be Milta-ized!! The Milta, like the Ineffable Being It is the Manifestation of, is a conscious being. Being within us, It can hear and respond. We may ask the Milta's forgiveness for our unGodlike thoughts and actions. It has the power to become manifest in us. The alternative . . . nah, we don't want that.
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