The Becoming God

Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Required Man

I think I have a special view on how we are He and He is we. In my mind it is exceedingly simple: the Beginning in Genesis 1:1 is the guy we are becoming. I.e., He--the Beginning--is our end. For we are becoming Him, and when we have become Him, we will be what God intended from before the beginning. We shall be His Wisdom, the Child of Proverbs 8, for He whom we are becoming always was.

As His assumption, the Man/Manifestation-of-God intended was clear and existent to God: "As the beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth" (Alexander, italics mine). What God was assuming to already exist was our destined end as His manifest Son. God assumes His Son is real, and we shall become that Son. In God's mind, we already HAVE become Him: the assumed state is AFTER. And if we have, then we are--or rather the Son we shall become is--free of the constraints of time and space and have/has presence with God in the past, the present, and the future. The Guy we are becoming was with God at the beginning as the Beginning of what we shall become. We are all ONE, and God is all SIMULTANEOUSLY. There is no hat-switching by God. God is big enough to be all at once and to do all through all. To God we already are what we are becoming; i.e., to Him what we are becoming already is. We are becoming something very special.

I believe in Jesus Christ, a real guy who was here two thousand years ago. Unlike those who are leaving Christianity, I personally have plenty of miraculous evidence that Jesus is alive and well and is seated in Heaven as God. Real miracles experienced are as tangible and evidential as slaps upside along the head with a two-by-four. Sorry about you non-experiencers. I wish you would believe others' testimonies, or go see miracles for yourself. It would be worth the effort. I believe that there was and is a historical Jesus Christ, that he was a real physical human being in what Victor Alexander has called the Season of Grace. I also believe that you are him, and that I am him. He is our ultimate future being. Do not tell me the guy whose hand I am holding does not exist.

I believe that Jesus Christ is, for he was and is historically required--absolutely physically required--in the unfoldment of history (that and the hard head-knocks mentioned above.) For a concretely physical human being was absolutely required for the fulfillment of the Season of Grace which concretely, physically and historically did occur--and that he was, is, and will be . . . us. The Scriptures and the New Testament are about Him AND us. Why do physical history for 93% of a story and then switch to symbolism at its grand finale, especially when its theme is the true reality? Let's see if I can get us there:

Observes Neville Goddard in his lecture "Jesus" (11/20/68), "There is not a truth, or a lie, that does not have a man as its agent, as it takes a man to express either a lie or a truth." That is, to express a truth or a lie, an agent, a man, is required. Says Neville, "Jesus Christ is called the truth. He is not a unique man who was born in four BC and named Jesus Christ, but (he is) God's plan of salvation . . . If truth is to be expressed, it takes an individual man to express it. Therefore, when the story of redemption unfolds in a man, he relates his own experience" (italics mine).

Victor Alexander's Season of Grace refers to the period between the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem, basically encompassing the prophecy of four hundred and ninety years in Daniel chapter 9. This was a picture of US, of His process. Seventy sevens of years expresses a perfect time for the accomplishing of a perfect completion of that process. In that Season of Grace our obligations were concluded, our sins were curtailed, our abominations were abandoned, and the Eternal Righteousness (Rightness!) was introduced so that the visions and the prophecies may be fulfilled and to the Anointed One we may commit our blessings (Alexander).

I am simply agreeing with Neville when I say that to express this truth in the physical, historical picture of our lives that the Season of Grace was, a man was required. A man, not a philosophy or symbolic representation of a man, but a historic, physical man who was God's plan of salvation and who related his own experience. Still, as Neville further demonstrates using himself, "This man called Neville is simply an agent expressing truth. It is not good enough for you to just understand it. You must believe, not in Neville, but in the truth he is expressing." The Man we shall become came as an the physical picture the Season express God's truth that we are Him--God's intended Manifestation in the flesh. In the crucifixion the whole of Scripture becomes one. The intended end we shall be was the Beginning of all. He-who-we-shall-be, the "End-Man," physically appeared at the appointed time to complete the picture as required.

As I mulled this over, I heard that faint, still voice in my imagination say, "Do you believe I did that for you, that 'You-who-I-shall-become' really, physically completed the picture?"

Do I believe that my future form, my end, became flesh in the Season of Grace and literally, actually died for me? Just for me? "Yes. I believe that You literally, physically, historically completed the picture of the truth, of the grace, of the Messiah--the Man of the Season--and that You and I are one."


  • I love this. I've always thought of Christ as the main character of history, with God playing all the other parts too.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:42 PM  

  • Neville always said Christ is what we do, that we are His Father. If we are His Father, then we are God. Christ is 'david', the Beloved. What is beloved is our being--acting--like God, our being one with/unseparated from Him. It is hard to imagine God beyond all constraints of time looking back on His own development, His End becoming His own Source. Why then wouldn't our end be our source? It is complicated beyond belief, and yet ever so simple--All is one thing, the No-thing, manifesting.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:15 PM  

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