How, Perhaps, To Get To The Proper Feeling Of Oneness With God In Neville Goddard's "State Akin To Sleep"
My post "The Feeling That Is The Secret Is The Feeling Of Immediate Oneness With God" received a question I wasn't sure how to answer:
"How do we get to that pre-SATS stage then? How do we get to 'there'? (You said:)
"'But you have to get there, to having the feeling that YOU are one with God, that there is no separation or division between God and His creation, you, which is His imagination'" (parenthesis mine).
I got that the question was about how to achieve the feeling of oneness with God for prayer, but I couldn't fathom what a "pre-SATS stage" is. It struck a familiar chord, but I drew a blank as to its meaning. I apologized and responded to the question as well as I could, and waited. I later received this reply:
"The apology should be from my side. Sorry, I used an acronym that is frequently referred to on other platforms. It stands for State Akin To Sleep--as in the sleepy state that Neville Goddard tells us to imagine from. From your original post, it seemed that you were telling us to get to there before the SATS stage, hence my question.
"Thanks for your reply. I want to thank you also for the original post. It reflected similar thoughts in my mind. After many debates on other platforms, I realized that majority of NG readers today are really only interested in the Law and not the Promise. And what is worse is that they are not even interested in the basis of the Law: which is that, in the first place, we are of the ONE, hence we can create!
"How are base minds going to truly believe in the law if they reject our divinity? How are down and out people, battered minds, depressed souls going to manifest a radical change in their circumstances if they reject the power? So I was glad to read your post, and sought clarification on how to get 'there' first.
"I am tempted to ask you to share your 'litany of illuminating affirmations'. But, somehow, I feel that you may not be keen on such a post regarding something to the letter rather than to the spirit, so practical, so Law-of-Attraction-type material! Hahaha. Regardless, I know my Bible--or at least, I have it, so I know I can create my own litany of illuminating affirmations.
"On a, perhaps, sober note:
I have fought between ends and means. I know ends do not justify means. I know physical, material possessions should not be used to determine the value of life (quality of life). I know I cannot succumb to thinking manifestation success rate is the determination of how close a person is to truth. But after all the reading and learning over decades, I just cannot get completely away from the conclusion: my (your/one's) philosophy (belief system) is only as good as what it can produce. Trees and fruits, etc., etc.
"I don't think I have a question here. I am probably just sharing my thoughts with you, to respond to (or not) as you see fit.
"I used to practice SATS and other techniques that Neville taught like revision, inner speech, etc. My success varied. Magical moments, tremendous synchronicities...But somehow, I always felt like that was not the way of life. God cannot be merely a genie in a bottle. God cannot be merely a technique or formula. (At least, not in a very powerful way. I always succeed with the Neville's 'I will not climb a ladder' challenge. But so what if I climbed a ladder?)
"Then I decided to read Neville's lectures again. This time round, actually READING rather than limiting myself to only the Youtube audio lectures. There are so many more lectures in text on websites outside Youtube. And so much more theology that Neville spoke about. And this goes back to your post. Neville was absolutely not a Law of Attraction guru. Neville was far, far more than that. And it is not just dead theology, but theology that helps us know our power even more! Or at least, that is what I seem to think, or hope! And as the saying goes, where the rubber meets the road. Knowledge of God, of us, MUST prove itself in better performance in the world of shadows.
"Thank you"
Thank you, Anonymous. I hope you do not mind I did a little editing to your response. I appreciate your thoughts and agree. Neville said somewhere that he both rejected and corrected New Thought teachers (those alive and those dead) that there is no "new thought," only the fulfillment of destiny per the Old Testament.
I too get more out of reading Neville. Beware that Horowitz's Final Lectures of Neville Goddard has hundreds of "editings" that are not what Neville said. I have a list of the lectures included that HAVE TO BE LISTENED TO instead of just read. I got a lot out of listening to Neville and correcting the book. Neville's gist in his last year was that we--each one of us--are two people, Jesus and Christ: the Divine Mind as imagination and its physical body. Perhaps I should say, "the works of this physical body," for what we DO is Christ.
I deliberately practice Neville's techniques very little for any sort of gain. I don't think I need to. It's really on automatic, isn't it? I need faith more than voodoo, and find that taking no thought for the morrow but trusting Him to provide all my needs has worked out best. It isn't that I don't do anything; its that I move, but do not lead. What I see is necessary to be done and set to do, He opens the appropriate doors. Often I am looking with hindsight, "How the heck did I do THAT?" The answer, of course, is that I didn't. HE did.
Yes, I guess if one was going to practice floating in the State Akin To Sleep, he or she would want to achieve the feeling of oneness with God prior to that. I meant it 24/7. I do not have a list of affirmations. The litany comes to mind quite naturally when I think of how I am one with God, which I mean to practice 24/7. I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that you already know verses and ideas and insights that will come to mind when you wonder, How am I one with You? E.g.:
I died with Christ two thousand years ago, and yet I live in Him.
Thou in Me, and I in them--He is in me AS me, the Source of imagination behind my imagination.
I create my world by my imagination: the Son of God creates the world by His, er, mine (Genesis 1:1 Alexander).
Nothing is impossible to God; nothing is impossible to he who believes.
Unless you believe, "'I' am 'HE.'"
"The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes" : "The Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and BELIEVE the Reward." For me the "kingdom" is the powers of the Godhead; the "Reward" is I get to keep them! (From "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into your Master's joy.")
I read that the last word in John 1:18 in the Greek must be translated "revealed."
I will share an experience with you, Anonymous, that I do not often explain. Sometimes I get a little scared when I think of Who it is I am dealing with. Dare I think, speak, act so flippantly? That Eil Shaddai--God Almighty--is here, right now. This is His being. I should be on my face prostrate before Him 24/7. One night aware of His presence, I prepared for bed. Sitting on the toilet for one last pee, the bathroom became the intelligence of God. Every atom, every electron, every quark and quantum particle, the walls, the floor, myself--"we" were the manifestation of the Intelligence of Ineffable assuming It was "us." The building, the world, the air was alive as God. Stoked, amazed, awed, I walked over to my bed.
At that time, I had bone spurs on the edges of my neck vertebrae. Above my left shoulder blade ached like crazy, and as chronic back pain sufferers do, I had just gotten used to living with it. As I pulled back the bed covers, God present or no, I was aware of the throbbing pain. I addressed the Intelligence in my mind as I lie down: "You can heal me." This was an acknowledgement of Its power, not the giving of permission. Before my head touched the pillow, all the pain in my neck and shoulder was gone.
THAT experience is with me all the time. We are not ever apart from Him. The Holy Spirit world is here and real ALL OF THE TIME. He doesn't do tricks for us, but confirms with signs and wonders that HE IS. And by the way, He is a really good teacher. A person practicing Neville Goddard's (or anyone else's) prayer techniques and finding them to work had better consider Who it is Who is doing it, Who answers prayers. The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes: recognition, respect, gratitude, honor, humility--we have got to find our right place and the right attitude for being with Him.
Thank you for your reply, and especially for sharing your special experience.
I was unaware that there are more of Neville Goddard's lectures in audio. So thanks for pointing it out to me and sharing the link to Mitch Horowitz.
I found out about Mitch a few months ago. I was quite taken in by the breadth and depth of his knowledge on all things occult and mystic. However, I have since learnt that he is not of Neville Goddard's belief that "everyone is you pushed out," the whole universe is within us, there is only ONE cause of phenomena in life, etc. Mitch has a "more diluted" worldview, which seems to reflect his broad knowledge of different esoteric teachings and teachers. He believes that we do not 100% create our individual reality.
In any case, I will hunt for more Neville Goddard lectures, now that you have pointed me to other sources.
I want to refer to much earlier posts of yours. They relate very much to recent posts and comments. Here are some portions that I want to highlight as a commenter.
"I haven't any road or path up there. I don't know how to do it!"
"they must first find the 'kingdom' before they can have 'the things added" (Quoting from The Master Key System in your post)
“OHHH! There is the path, the road, the muscle and mechanism to seeking first the kingdom of God and the going unto Jesus when he says, ‘Come unto Me.’ Here is the faith that puts the rubber on the road: Haanel's ‘unbounded self-confidence that the goal is reached.’ That is so easily misread! Did you not first misread it the other way?”
(Dan, it is coincidental that you wrote "rubber on the road" in that post all those years back, while I wrote "where the rubber meets the road" a few days ago!)
“Give up all the crap that you are holding onto instead of Me, your 'sandals' which hold you away from Me, AND EXPERIENCE MY REALITY DIRECTLY. Now, what do you want? I'll become what you imagine."
The funny thing is, whenever I get there, I can't think of anything I want but him.”
“Neville says to get into a sleepy, drowsy state bordering sleep but still in full control of your mental faculties. Yes. And I say, imagine there that you are descending to a state of deeper spirituality. Descend. You know, you just imagine this stuff. Not that it isn't real, but it is real because you imagine being aware that it IS real. Abandon the shallowness and flippancy of the things you have learned, the doctrines you believe, the stories you have heard and the superstitions you have imagined. They are intermediaries to your experience of the spiritual realm; i.e., they come between you and the reality of God. Take the "sandals" from your feet and stand on the holy ground of awareness of God in you.”
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
"What good things you want, go back to your "sunflower" consciousness which is creating your world and imagine them from there. You ARE the consciousness of God, so imagine the things you want as if they were had--complete and presently possessed. Imagine their fulfilled end--create your plan's outcome, and trust the infinite and Almighty God to bring them to pass in some way you could not possible accomplish on your own. When it works, you know that you have found him--Christ in you, the hope of Glory."
There is another post I wanted to bring up here, but I cannot find it. Please consider enabling a search function/widget on your site. This way, readers can search for keywords and key phrases, and the search function will return a list of your posts that contain the search terms.
The post I had in mind was the one where God humbled you and made you to realise that he simply wanted you to remember who he was, and if you remembered that, it was all right. He did not need anything else from you. (Not that we are separate from God but I think the post was about casting out “self-lordship”.)
Can you remember such a post? I think you wrote about a dream or a vision?
I bring up all these posts because they seem to relate to my asking of how to get “there”—the place, the state before causative imagining.
Cutting and pasting out of contexts is a serious error in today’s media. Forgive me if I have done so here.
Thank you.
Anonymous, at 9:05 AM
Up at the top left of my blog is a little orange square-ish block with an odd-shaped white capital letter 'B' in it. Try typing 'lordship' in the search box next to that and hitting Enter. It was there for years before I discovered it.
Wife has me spring cleaning.
I mainly write to myself, looking for a more eloquent way to sign the one song I know: THIS (my arms waving at everything all around) is the Becoming God. The Ineffable Most High Incomprehensible No-thing Being is imagining, and we are that. We are His dream, and as such are His Manifestation. We are not like Him by a long shot, and this He is fixing. THAT is what this is all about. Yes, He wants me to remember Who He is, but also especially what I am. HE is dreaming; I am dreamed.
I think His dreaming is the hoodoo by which He works His voodoo. This world is plastic to His imagining. Have you ever seen or received a BIG miracle? I mean like an amputee receiving a limb or someone like St. Antony on one side of an impassable river suddenly on the other side? I think God simply imagines the new picture, as it were, and it becomes. used to have lists of/links to every text and every audio available. Maybe such a list still exists somewhere.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:19 AM
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