The Becoming God

Friday, February 10, 2023

An Anonymous Comment and My Response on the Hebrew Word for 'Name' Equaling Nature and Imagination in My Post "The Prayer Technique Edited Out of John 16:23-24"

Impressed by Gregg Braden's video, I wrote the post "The Prayer Technique Edited Out of John 16:23-24". One thing that has really stood out is people's response to Jesus' words: "straightly and directly from inside my name." How does one get inside His name? I point out in my emphasis of Klotz's translation or exegesis of the Aramaic that 'name' = nature = imagination. I did not mean that nature and imagination were definitions of the word 'name' (shem in Hebrew, Strong's 8034), but that biblical names are often the nature of the person, place, or thing being spoken about. It is all representative. YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE WITHOUT TRANSLATING THE NAMES. As Jesus' name means Yah Saving (Yah's action of Salvation), and Yah is doing this action by imagining (that is His Kingdom!), it follows that that is His nature. To be "inside His name" is to be inside His nature--imagination! I did not convey this very well, and an anonymous commenter (below) pointed out my fault.

Here is what I posted:

"All things that you ask straightly and directly from inside my name you shall be given. So far you have not done this. Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full" (John 16:23-24 Klotz).

"If I may add emphasis:

"All things that you ask straightly and directly from inside my 'name' you shall be given (name = nature = imagination). So far you have not done this (asking with our voice is not doing this: we need to "ask" by imagining the condition we want). Ask without hidden motive (i.e., do not be judgmental, but forgive the present with grace) and be surrounded by your answer (in fervent, vivid, '3D' imagining). Be enveloped by what you desire (the end-state having already been established), that your gladness be full" (parentheses mine)."

Anonymous commenter said, "'Name' does not equal nature or imagination. You need to look up the etymological meaning of name and the Hebrew meaning of name. In the Hebrew tongue, name is actually pronounced shame (not the same shame as in the English language) but shame in Hebrew means Authority. The Messiah is saying, if you ask anything in my 'authority' then it shall be given. This is so much more powerful when we understand the authority we have been given through our Father's sacrifice of His Son."

I responded...(BTW, thank you) You are of course right. The Hebrew word for 'name' is shem (Strong's 8034), the same as the name of Noah's third son, Shem, and yes it is pronounced 'shame'. It probably comes from siym (Strong's 7760), meaning "to put" through the idea of definite and conspicuous position (says Strong's 8034). But do not sell what I said about 'name' meaning "nature" short. We call chickens chickens because they have the nature of chickens. A horse is a horse, of course of course. David means "beloved," and Noah means "rest"--where would Bible teachers be if biblical characters did not display the natures their names mean? You are correct, "in My name" means "in My authority," but you are not going to be in His authority unless you are a born-again believer IN HIS NATURE. YOU DIED ON THE CROSS WITH HIM AND ARE RAISED AND ASCENDED WITH HIM, else He is not your sacrifice. Jesus was put in definite and conspicuous position--authority--as our Savior. It is my belief that His nature--the nature of His etheric being--is the imagination of the Consciousness of the Ineffable Being Itself, and that His nature is to mold us up from what we were born at the beginning to being the full Manifestation of the Consciousness. We are Its becoming. And if you find a way to exercise the authority we have been given through our Father's sacrifice of His Son WITHOUT using your imagination, let me know.


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