The Becoming God

Friday, November 25, 2022

The Elational Epiphany

I have been wondering how describe what hit me--the elation I have because of what I saw from reading and revising Neville Goddard's Final Lectures by Mitch Horowitz. The emotion reminds me of what I just read by Dr. Frank C. Laubach: "I look up at this page and it is not red hot as my soul is now. It is black ink. It ought to be written with the red ribbon. You will not see the tears that are falling on this typewriter, tears of a boundless joy broken loose." Kids are wondering, "What is red ribbon?"

I do not want to sound shrill, but as I finished reading and revising the lectures in Neville Goddard's Final Lectures according to the audios and made the association with "When you make the two one..." from the Gospel of Thomas, log. 22 and 106, I had an epiphany. A light went on deep inside and I "got " something special. In each of the lectures (which I had read in reverse order) Neville was saying that Jesus, who is the Father, and Christ, who is the Son, ARE the core of our being. The two are one. He says it in the titles of his lectures; e.g., You Must Experience God, God And I Are One; and he explains it in great detail in What Is Man? and other lectures. What I got was that the Bible is all about relationships, especially this relationship. The stories in the Bible are not about history, they are about relationships. The book ends in with all in universal and continuous right relationships. That is what the Law is all about--exemplary right relationships which are summed up in love of God and family (which all are).

The relationship is within us. At my baptism in the Holy Ghost, I observed life flood up from my bowels as living water until it poured forth from my lips as a language. I was as John the Baptist watching the Spirit descend and rest upon Jesus, but Jesus was me. I wish I had continued in his fidelity and integrity, but at least I see now that the connecting ink is here in me, and I have an advocate who IS the Father.


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