The Becoming God

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

As God Thinketh, So Is He: Healing Is Him Saying, "What He Said"

No one has ever had to convince me of miraculous, creative healing. I have seen it with my own eyes. I have WATCHED it. The Holy Ghost CHANGES what is there, makes it into whatever She wants, into whatever He THINKS it now is. And it is.

I was reading/listening to Neville Goddard's lecture "Know What You Want," which is on as "Our Real Belief." He stresses that knowing is the same as being, that we really do not know a thing until we have experienced it, until it has become a part of our being--then we know it. He also stresses that the true person we are is the spirit within us, the "observer" of all the sensory input we receive. This CORE person is our imagination, who at its deepest core is Jesus Christ, and he God the Father. I.e., our "internal" core-being is the "external" God, for all is one, THE One. THAT in Deuteronomy 6:4 is what makes us "Israel," God's triumphing.

Our real belief is projected as our situational experience, our "world." This is God's language to us: "This is what we are, what we believe and know as received--what we have made Me at our core." So to change our world, we must believe to the depth of experience at our core what we are--that we have received. For that core is God. If we believe to the depth of experience, that we KNOW it, that we ARE it, God in us becomes it, and we watch our situational experience THIS MOMENT manifest what He now thinks He IS.

So when Neville says, "First you must know exactly what you want. What would it be like if it were true, that you really were (and are at your core-being) the man or the woman that you desire to be?" he is saying to EXPERIENCE what you desire in your imagination, to the depth of your core "inner man," who is God. Subjectively appropriate the objective experience--dream it as REAL. CHANGE WHAT HE THINKS AS YOU, AND YOUR PROJECTION WILL BECOME IT.

Well, how hard is God to convince? You can imagine--mentally experience--a scene you are physically in, but that may be a difficult challenge. For something easier, would you believe a certain person if he or she told you something? Is he or she trustworthy? Listen to them tell you what you desire. Experience that hearing, and rejoice in it, for it is true. But do not simply imagine that you heard it; HEAR it. Experience THEIR voice, and believe them.


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