The Becoming God

Monday, October 10, 2022

Siti's Evidence

I had the book, Evidence That Demands A Verdict. I saw the author's presentation in the 1970s. Had a couple of copies of both volumes. I gave them away, because for me they provided no evidence at all for God or Jesus. For me there is only one legitimate evidence; it is when miracles happen in direct response to something here. I.e., it is when the Divine Guy ACTS, or rather, REACTS manifestly. Real, valid evidence of God is when God demonstratively alters our reality by displaying His.

I do not mean to pick on Neil deGrasse Tyson, but he has become the spokesperson for the natural order. "Things happen for which we have no explanation. That we cannot explain how and why it happened does not mean it was a miracle. It simply means we are ignorant of the scientific reasons behind how and why it happened," I paraphrase him as saying. He is a champion of the "God-of-the-Gaps" dismissal of religion. "That a boy falls down in a fit foaming at the mouth does not mean he has a demon. It means he has epilepsy. They did not know that then, but we know it now." Wrong miracle, Neil. The point was that the boy was healed instantaneously when the demon was dismissed by Jesus in response to petition by the boy's father. "Please, Sir, if you can..." BAMM!! There you go, the demon is gone. The ignorance is that Tyson doesn't know what a demon is. It is our ignorance, Neil. The father ignorantly allowed for the epilepsy to exist. He was unclear on the concept.

We are to elect our thoughts. "Self-control." "Think on these things, not those." A clean life inwardly. Guard your mind with all diligence. This is a lesson far too many learn far too late, because the church does not know what the hell it is doing (an unfortunate, literal truth). Siti was born to saints, reared in a devoted family-church. (Why do I hear so many people crying?) She BELIEVES what the Bible says through its symbolism. She does not fill her mind with visions from the world, but from God's reality. This IS the Bible's world. Christ is in you. We are in and of the One True God, and GOD HASN'T BEEN KIDDING. So Siti thinks, and so is Siti's world. THAT is her evidence. And if you will look around, so is it your evidence. As you have thought, so is your world. You think the world is this way, and so it is. Siti thinks the world is that way, God's real reality, and so it is. This is the evidence of the Holy Ghost. Do not blaspheme Her, for Hers is the evidence that demands a verdict.

Life is a high-stakes game of Choose-A-Vision. For what you choose, you will become (you virtually are, right now). That is the cost of being God, which, like it or not, you are. Life is the Consciousness of the Ineffable. If you want to change what you are, change what you think. Watch your inputs! Idols are spider-biting demons. Cull bad inputs and cultivate good ones. Pick up that Bible, learn the languages, go to Bible studies, watch out for cults and stupidos (stupidoes?), learn to assume (read a lot of Neville Goddard), be kind. Recognize that you are living in the shadow of the Almighty, Eil Shaddai. Listen to Him.


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