The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

"Jesus Was A Wack-job"

Pilate might have thought Jesus was simply eccentric. He probably dismissed the idea that Jesus was "King of the Jews" in any way, shape, or form. People almost universally do. They take the broad way of independence to keep doing what they like to do. You have to wonder, what does it take to evidence that God and Jesus Christ and the invisible world are real? You would think the existence of the universe itself would be enough. That the light of life would convince. Or ghosts or visions or miracles would indicate clearly that we are not without what God is doing.

People refuse to hear because they do not want to hear. As if that will make those evidences not evidence what they do not want to accept. After a thousand years (a very long time) of iron-clad evidence, people still say, "NO." After seeing the two witnesses rise from the dead and ascend into heaven (Revelation 11), they go on marrying and giving in marriage, trying to vibrate up what they want from the universe. Go figure.

There is a spiritual reality. Neil Tyson has implied the spiritual reality is a gap of information: it is what we have no scientific understanding of yet - an ever-shrinking bubble of ignorance. I was entertained (and disappointed) by his illustration: Jesus cast out a demon to heal a boy of epilepsy. We know now, says Tyson, that the boy's fits were caused by the disease of epilepsy, not demons. Sorry, Neil, but Jesus HEALED the boy by casting out the CAUSE of the disease. The healing power of the blood of Jesus is the Gap I want to know. 'Scuse me, that is where I want to live.

One great thing I got from Victor Alexander's translation of Proverbs of Solomon (chapters 1-24 only) is that Proverbs is not just a marvelous collection of teachings and wisdom sayings, it is two courses of living: A and B. Or white and black, good and bad, desired and undesirable, right and not right, virtuous and abominable, a way to think and a way not to think, how to escape affliction and how to create it, to be submitted to God under the Law...or not. If you would, it is how to live in the Gap.

I was going to add that I have got their shirts, but I won't.


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