The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Blood Is Reality, Actuality

One of my most important points:

I believe very deeply that "blood" in the Bible means the reality and actuality of a thing. Wine, such as that at Cana, symbolizes the same thing. His blood is the actuality of the divine Jesus, YHWH's substantive intent, which saves us. THAT is the Blood. His blood is our forgiveness and sanctification. What can wash away our sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. In what apparently was a vision I saw Jesus scourged, made to carry the cross until he went into shock, and then laid on his back - like hamburger - on the cross to be crucified. His arm stretched out to be spiked, he turned his face to me and said, as audibly as anything ever gets, "Come unto Me."

Try it. How you gonna get to Jesus? Recognize the reality.


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