The Becoming God

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Someone’s Experience

If I could, I would require everyone to listen to these testimonies by Bryan Melvin. Not just for what he says, but also for what he does not say. You might think they are long and tedious, but I found them challenging and enlightening. Yes, I know there are hundreds if not thousands of near death experiences (NDEs) posted on YouTube; some might even be real...

He Died, Went to Hell, Saw Hitler & What Comes Next Will Shock You - Ep. 9

From Hell to Heaven - He Died & Met Hitler & Jesus - Ep. 11

...and you have to take them with a grain of salt, as they are all mental experiences. I just want to note some of the perhaps overlook characteristics of these.

Such as the heaven and hell apparently being for earth humans only. Or did I miss something? Where are the aliens? When in Genesis 1:1 it says that Jesus ("As the Beginning, the Son of God...") creates the heaven and the earth, are they a separate-from-the-rest-of-the-universe package deal, a matched pair? Not that he does not also create the rest of the universe, but is "our" heaven just for "our" earth? Are there other heavens for the imaginations of other planets?

Note the illusion of people's experiences in the cells. They are deluded going in, but in the tiny, finite cell they seem to be in an expanse. They travel, but cover no ground. I remember in my baptism in the Holy Ghost that I was kneeling at a folding chair in the fellowship hall at Grace Bible Church, yet in my mind I wandered up a wash, descended into a cavern, covered the plain of the earth, and searched around the foot of hills in a forest before realizing I had, in living my own life as I was, STOLEN whatever purpose God had in making me to live. This was and is HIS life, not mine, and like Melvin, I was a thief and a rebel and deserved hell. But let me stop lest I begin preaching.

I also noted the correspondence between the lives lived and the recompense or reward given. What people think, say, and do proceeds into the future to confront them there. Sound familiar? It is a principle above proved to be in effect below. How here operates tells us how there operates. We can use it, ought not misuse it. The results can be nice, or not.

It is all highly symbolic. Near the end Melvin sees a man fishing in a tributary from the river of life. He learns years later that the man was his own grandfather, a Pentecostal Methodist preacher, a "fisher of men" who had laid hands on Bryan as a boy. What was the fisher of men doing? Fishing. The symbolism is not lost on Melvin. There are ovens baking the bread of life - the Word - to be given as insights - food - to those who need them. I.e., it is all a LANGUAGE. Is it real? It is what God SPEAKS. This is HIS life; it is what we are supposed to SPEAK. Getting whatsoever we want in life is not the objective. Whatsoever HE wants is.

Lastly I note Bryan's anxious pursuit of getting people saved, to introduce them to Jesus and to get them to accept and confess him. Speak the language to be sure you and all others hear good things in the future.


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