The Becoming God

Friday, June 25, 2021

Why the Wait: Hello - the Law of Attraction and Disbelief

In my last post, “Cultivate the Non-separateness of God,” I asked the question, “Why the wait?” I did not answer the query. Yes, we have to wait if we are praying to a god who does not exist, one who is any distance from us. For God IS us. How far away can what you are be?

This is quite different from the sometimes almost immediate "manifestation" of practicing the Law of Attraction, although the manifestation's "gestation" may take considerable time. The Law of Attraction depends upon psychological vibrations and frequencies, upon the order of the universe drawing what is believed to exist invisibly to oneself. The question here is not, "Why the wait," but, "Why an answer?" The answer to both questions, I believe, is the same:


God, Who intensely loves, desires to be recognized and loved, for the love of Its Ineffable Being to prevail throughout the entirety of Its Being, including Its manifestation, works. "When it works," Neville Goddard said of assumption, "You have found Him, God, your own, wonderful, human imagination." In manifestation by the Law of Attraction, God is saying, "Hello. Yes, I am real, and you are My manifestation." The universal "field" of consciousness is ITS consciousness, the Ineffable's Consciousness -- Eil the Shaddai ("God Almighty"), the Eternal, Infinite, Invisible, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Master of the Universe Who has become what It is LORD over. It is our impassioned, caring Father, and we are It. And so is everything else. That is why whatever we do "unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me." The so-called Law of Attraction's working is a big ol' flag being waved in your face saying, "HELLLLOOOOOO!!!" by the One Who can wave it -- that we are dealing with the Big Guy. The world really is being run the way the Bible says it is, with God, Jesus, angels and demons, and for God's intentions. We have just been misunderstanding the values of its symbolism. But as it works, there It is.

The Bible needs to be believed. The absolute worst, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst, worst thing ever is believing that God is separate and other. That God is distant, aloof, needing to be invoked somehow. Yes, God is in heaven, but "heaven" is your BRAIN. God is in our skulls, our minds as an interface, but It - imagination - is also everything behind the mind and everything projected by the mind -- yours, mine, and everyone else's. It is so incredibly sad that ministers read the Bible as historically literal instead of spiritually literal. Granted, they have inherited a God-is-distant worldview from Mithraism and other Pagan cults which have become Western Christianity, but a simple and direct reading of the Bible believing what it says should correct that, if ministers would read without mentally "correcting" what it says to align with their worldview and to excuse their making God out to be a liar.

For God says directly enough that It has made everything out of No-thing, which is what It, the No-thing, is. And It has said directly enough that It - everything - is one. And It has said directly enough, "I in You and You in Me and We in Them and They in Us." THERE IS NO "SEPARATE" GOD! Even born-again, Bible-believing Pentecostal Christians WAIT for healing because they do not perceive that God is - as It says - their very own human imagination. "The Kingdom of God is within," they will say, and explain with their next breath how that is a lie. How God is distant, separate, aloof but desiring man's mind to be surrendered and submitted to Him. NOT that God Itself is within awaiting that surrender and submission. Awaiting as a Person to be recognized, honored, and adored; not just "accepted" as some universal appendage.

The Christian's waiting for the ministry of an evangelist is as waiting for the reward of God's presence. In the believing minister, in his anointing, they see God: "Here He is, finally." Yes, contact with the loving Presence brings healing, peace, and deliverance. In it God is saying, "HELLLOOOO." That Its Presence is in our BELIEF. "Heaven came down, and Glory filled my soul," we sing. Glory is ALWAYS in the believing soul, "heaven." Just keep It down here with BELIEF.


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