Conversation with Cheryl Craig Continues
Hi Dan,
I was thinking a lot about the "becoming" part of "I Am that I Am." The becoming must mean the death of the ego self, right? A Course In Miracles has a lesson that states basically the only reason we experience anger, fear, illness or pain is because we choose it. It got me thinking about the death of the old man, the "mudman" as you refer to our humanness. In a post you wrote you gave an example of the word Yod Hei Vav Hei as the hand of God, reaching out (with a coin) and another hand receiving the coin. (Interesting to me, A Course In Miracles teaches that giving and receiving are the same, If I Am God, this would be true.) There is a lot more resistance to letting the "old man" die than I realized. It gets me stuck in the knowing but not experiencing the Power of God because I am not extending my hand to His. I feel the resistance in my heart center, bigtime! Neville said the mind is like a wild horse that needs taming. But I keep coming back to I must be a doer of the word and not a hearer only. This is my becoming or I am stuck in I Am, never transitioning to "that I Am." Have you made the cross over? Have you left the old man behind? Any advice to do so? I see that you focus a lot on the the Aramaic translation "Ahiyer-Ashur-Hiyeh" and I think with good reason. It has more meaning than I think I even realize. It is a key stone to understanding my true self.
Cheryl C
Have I crossed over? Hardly. I have received the earnest of the Holy Spirit. Are you a tongue-speaking baptized in the Holy Ghost Pentecostal (regardless of your denomination)? I have to ask, because you have mentioned A Course In Miracles a number of times. I have never read it, have never looked at it or investigated it. But spiritual discernment tells me it is from the same place as the demon that led me into Eastern religions and philosophies, Transcendental Meditation, and the occult to groom me for possession. I am not afraid to read it, but find no value in or purpose to read it. And I do not think the Holy Spirit would allow a Christian to read it peacefully. We have our own course, and a real good Teacher.
Have I crossed over? I am not even sure what that means. I am trying to mortify the lusts of the flesh, but I am not leaving the poor old donkey behind. I am taking him with me. I have, after all, come to redeem him. Yes, I know; it just gets confusinger and confusinger. Perhaps it is semantic. The death of the ego-self is not death as much as submission and sublimation. This is in the realm of love and self-control. What we do is with a nod of honor and submission to God, "Let my hands be your hands, my words be your words," & etc., and let God become - let Him god- THROUGH our actions. Which is my advice. If you have not received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with euphoric tongues, receive it. You only have to ask, and do not be afraid to kneel. It has already been GIVEN.
God has set aside a period of time for us to get to Him and to accomplish all this stuff. That period of time is called 'eternity'. It is not going away unless we reject it.
I hope you understand that while God is one, He is not just one. His consciousness erupts in what I call conscii. People call us angels, messengers, and whatever, but we are just the consciousness of God in conscious bits. Not all real smart, not all real good, but lumps of God nevertheless. Think of the ocean. A calm, flat ocean. This is the field of God's power in this illustration. Just made it up this morning. The water is made up of quantum bits, atoms, molecules, dissolved minerals. These form into life-forms and dissolve again. The forms think, react, pursue life and the perpetuation of the species - all the same ocean. It does not care, but is positive toward life. And our universe is an ocean. Conscii have been forming in it for what? A dozen billion years? Our solar system is only four billion years old. I am sure there are conscii who know that they are made up of God, of Its life, presence, and love. Who know that all is One, and speak for this their religion. We receive from God, and give back to Him. If it were the same thing, imagically wouldn't you self-impregnate?
Hi Dan, I was wondering if you could explain to me your definition of demon as you referenced it to A Course In Miracles. If there is no Satan, what does it mean to be demon processed? I have had my doubts about A Course In Miracles though I see similarities to what Neville has taught. No, I have never spoken in tongues, I have no church. I am a simple seeker of truth. Almost 30 years ago I entered the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and God is mentioned in several of the steps so I wanted to get to know this Being that I was to turn my will and my life over to. It has led me down some crazy paths but the minute I heard Neville Goddard teach I just knew it was truth, it was so obvious that God would be man becoming God. I just knew. Thanks for sharing your insights about the ego and the death of the old man. When I asked if you had crossed over I meant experienced the death of the ego, poor choice of words. I guess that is what I am working on now, Wresting (like Jacob perhaps) with God, wanting to think of myself when I hear the world Jesus Christ.
Take Care Dan.
Cheryl C.
ccraig, at 8:04 PM
What I liked about C.F. Rehnborg and Maarten Matisse is that they were church-skeptical seekers after the truth. I participated in the Methodist Church up through high school, then fell away a good bit in the Navy and subsequent occult leadings. Hey, it was the late 1960s and early 70s. After my mind's eye incident with the demon and Jesus I launched into seekerdom. Accepting the Sonship of Jesus and then the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and then Jesus' speaking to me in my physical brain, I set off to find out what else God had SPOKEN to people. This has led me to understand that God usually speaks in illustration. Ideas enter our imagination from the imagination He is (and that is exactly how far away He is). He draws us a picture. The Book of Genesis is a picture of one person's psychological evolution, like what you are going through in Alcoholics Anonymous. I find in our encompassing manifestation conversation from God: "This is you, what your attitudes are like, what your relationship with Me is like," and etc. Not always a happy time, but enlightening. It is the stuff I need to work on, so I do not try to get away from it. The big message I am getting all the time is to work on prayer. I do not Neville (the process he used), and need to. I mean on my knees enter the bliss Janet found when she was healed of TB. The only person I can remember by name being baptized off on his own was J. Rodman Williams, my theology professor at Melodyland School of Theology. Most others receive with the laying on of hands from ministers. If they press you off balance at the forehead, that is not being slain in the spirit, that is the sensation of falling. I was on my knees oblivious to the hands on my shoulders. God gave me a long, illustrative trip to my sin and to repentance, and then to a new life. Maybe I have crossed over. It certainly is a new world.
Oh, I was going to say I responded to your inquiry at
Thanks for reading.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:54 PM
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