'Moses' = "Calmed From The Waters": Exodus 3:14 Conversation with God
That imagination is God is truth, and that No-thing transcends from unconditioned awareness of being into the thing It conceives is truth. Moses is the germ of the Gospel (i.e., germ of the reward) in us when we are calmed from the waters. God appears to inform us toward receiving the reward. I think a lot about what he said in Exodus 3:14. The Hebrew seems to say, 'ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh, "I AM THAT I AM" (I exist simply because I do").
The Aramaic says, Ahiyeh-Ashur-hiyeh, (1) "Ahiyeh": "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes." (2) "Ashur": "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire" or "the Light." (3) "Hiyeh": "His Coming." (4) "Ahiyeh" and "hiyeh" are related forms of the same word. They mean more than "the Coming." They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come." (5) In the same way, "Ashur" signifies "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing." (6) Also, "Ashur" signifies: "Above-the-Flames."
Neville Goddard has the idea that "Imagination plus faith are the reality out of which man fashions his world. What do I mean by 'imagination'? I mean God. Man is all imagination, and God is man and exists in us, and we in Him. The eternal body of man is the imagination, and that is God Himself. The Divine Body of Jesus - we are His members. It is entirely up to us what we imagine. But, it is imagination plus faith. For we are told that without faith it is impossible to please Him"..."Moses said to God, 'If I go to the Israelites, and I say to them that the God of your forefathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, "What is His name?" what shall I say?' And God said to Moses, say, 'I am.' (For) THAT is who I am! Just say 'I am' has sent you. For that is My name forever, and by this name I shall be known throughout all generations. I have no other name." Just be aware, to be aware is to say, "I am." Without uttering one sound; just to be aware; that is "I am." That is God. Now, that's what I mean by 'imagination'.
I believe the Hebrew word hayah (Strong's 1961), the root of 'ehyeh, "I Am," indicates transition: I become, or I come to pass. Also, hiyeh is third person: he becomes, or he comes to pass. God, the imagination, the creator we are, transcends into or becomes that which it conceives. So Exodus 3:14 could be translated and understood to be our imagination saying, "My coming into being is the creator's coming into being." Just say, "My coming into being sent me to you." To enlighten our coming into being. THAT's what the Bible is about.
Hi Dan, I was thinking a lot about the "becoming" part of "I Am that I Am." The becoming must mean the death of the ego self, right? A Course In Miracles has a lesson that states basically the only reason we experience anger, fear, illness or pain is because we choose it. It got me thinking about the death of the old man, the "mudman" as you refer to our humanness.
In a post you wrote you gave an example of the word Yod Hei Vav Hei as the hand of God, reaching out (with a coin) and another hand receiving the coin. (Interesting to me, A Course In Miracles teaches that giving and receiving are the same, If I Am God, this would be true.)
There is a lot more resistance to letting the "old man" die than I realized. It gets me stuck in the knowing but not experiencing the Power of God because I am not extending my hand to His. I feel the resistance in my heart center, bigtime! Neville said the mind is like an wild horse that needs taming. But I keep coming back to I must be a doer of the word and not a hearer only. This is my becoming or I am stuck in I Am, never transitioning to "that I Am." Have you made the cross over? Have you left the old man behind? Any advice to do so? I see that you focus a lot on the the Aramaic translation "Ahiyer-Ashur-Hiyeh" and I think with good reason. It has more meaning than I think I even realize. It is a key stone to understanding my true self.
Cheryl C
ccraig, at 4:51 AM
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