The Becoming God

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Observation of Objective Sparkle

I want to share with you this simple and sincere phenomenon: when we read and/or hear the Word of God with interest and understanding, and an openness to perceiving and learning more, when we read books about faith and the teaching of the Bible, we are invariably lifted in faith and increase in understanding. That world, the spiritual world, becomes real, a kind of "sparkle" in our life. We become uplifted, "charged." It's kind of like it is saying, "Yes, I am really here," in an objective feeling.

You might liken this to the anointing one gets--a spiritually alive person gets--when preaching. God is just that far away: zero distance--the thickness of an attitude. When we are not studying the Bible or significant books about it, the spiritual sparkle quickly wanes. Fraught with fear, we feel empty, lost, and useless. But boy, how that changes when we get a dose of the "meat" of the Word. There is Life there!

I am reminded of how Smith Wigglesworth and Neville Goddard both read the Bible much daily. DAILY. And I am blessed to have several great study Bibles, the Exegeses Parallel Bible, the Companion Bible, and all of Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic. Even Frank C. Laubach's The Greatest Life (The Autobiography of Jesus Christ, I believe, is Robert Laubach's edit). And still hundreds of devote commentaries and the sort. With such illuminating books constantly read and reflected upon, that Life can become our groove. Invest in Life.

Stay sparkly, my friend.


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