The Becoming God

Friday, September 18, 2020

Consequence of Consciousness

Everything, almost, is consciousness. The only thing which might not be consciousness is the Ineffable Person Himself, the One Who is conscious. There is Him and His Milta, His Manifestation WITHOUT DIVISION FROM HIM. I believe our “Father” God is the Ineffable's Consciousness, and that all Creation is in and of THAT ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. I consider us conscii, individual awarenesses (-eez) of being consciousness, or, "imagination.” (I was making up the word conscii, then found it already existed in Latin.) Imagining is the Ineffable's only avenue of action. Even that which we call matter is consciousness--the Ineffable's intelligence assuming that it actually is what it imagines itself to be, thus becoming and continually being AS IMAGINED. This is alterable. Consciousness is as close as we can ever get to the Ineffable Source. I have a high opinion of consciousness, as it is the Ineffable in action. It is the Ineffable--only--who is worthy of worship. Consciousness is worthy also, as it is the Ineffable...being.

The consequence of everything being consciousness is that while this life's experience is real, it is also a dream. It is the Ineffable's Consciousness...imagined as our assumption...which has become our reality. What we as a unit have imagined has taken form. So life is call and response, design and manifest, plan and carry Divine Spirit...from OUR THOUGHT...because our thought is also the Ineffable's action.

Unfortunately, we are rank amateurs at thought, at assumption. The Ineffable's manner of imagining we do not get. What is He doing? How is He doing it? Can we do it, too? Of course. That's what we are here to discover. That's what the Bible is all about. It's called Salvation. We have to un our ignorance and master the Ineffable's method.

We have to go from the consciousness of this fleshly, Egyptian-ish world consciousness to the consciousness of Spirit. From human doing to Spirit doing, without division, for we are the Divine. THAT fine tuning is a challenge: for us to be not us, but to be Him-not-apart-from-us. The world is for here for measuring. It gives us objective, observable, quantifiable results: "Are my results like His results? What am I doing wrong? What am I not doing that He is doing, or doing that He is not doing?" It is psychological and spiritual rocket science. We can apply rocket science like experimentation and analysis to it...if we get to know God and DO it.

Our lives are not supposed to be a technique. We are supposed to be Him being as He is, God's direct Manifestation. The Milta is revealed in history, is revealed as history, and is revealed in our experience, but is Him. We call Him Jesus--Salvation. He is the Consciousness. We ask Him to change things, and He does, by imagining, assuming towards the goal of our being more like Him. As He imagines, we become. Until gradually we are Him. That is why we want to master the techniques of imagining cooperative assumption: to become, at last, Him.


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