The Becoming God

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Exodus 7:1, "I Give You God to Pharaoh"

From the first day I read it I have much appreciated Neville Goddard's conclusion that 'Moses' is the germ of the Gospel within us. The consciousness of God, the Holy Spirit, is always witnessing within us that we are one with God, that we ARE God even if by being but dust on the package deal (Mark 3:28-29). For God is a package deal. He is all there is. (Did you know that among the Dead Sea scrolls there were more copies of Genesis and Exodus than of any other books? If I couldn't afford to get any other translations from the ancient Aramaic by Victor Alexander, I'd get those two at least.) 'Moses' is the consciousness of God within us. Pharaoh, on the other hand, is the consciousness of the human flesh within us. That is how I see it, anyhow.

So, early in Exodus Moses is becoming more aware of God and of the tension HERE between spirit and flesh. In Exodus 7:1, God says something very interesting to Moses: "I give you 'God' to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet." Alexander explains this retained literalism as meaning "I give you my Godhead to impose over Pharaoh and I give you Aaron to be your representative-spokesman."

Have you not passed out? God has made our consciousness of Him LORD over the world, and that part of us that hears Him Our representative. Our faith IMPOSES upon the world; it MAKES it change. And yes, that is a capital Our. For it is a package deal. THAT is what we have got to get to: cooperative Godhood.


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