The Becoming God

Saturday, September 05, 2020

The Emperor's New Clothes

I remember a saying I heard from my youth: "I might not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." A lot of good men and women have died in a lot of lands for people to have that right.

How things have changed. And not. John wrote the Book of Revelation to encourage Christians who were under the persecution of Domitian. For the Christians refused to worship the emperor. That was unacceptable. And here we are again. When Trump won the Presidency in 2016, right-wing bullies went around like Nazis, intimidating and threatening women and foreigners. Their ideology is their emperor.

The left-wing refuses to accept Trump as their President. BOTH insist that no one is allowed to say anything contrary to their ideology. "You must agree with us, or die!" Not much different from the persecutions of Christians who found Life. Just emperors in new clothes.

I might not agree with what you say, but go ahead and say it. Thank you for choosing Life.


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