The Becoming God

Friday, August 28, 2020

Surprising Reality

I am not a scholar or scientist or anything like that. I have a pretty normal sense of normal life: we are born, live in a material universe, it is run by the principles of physics, there is gravity, mind is a weird thing, time passes, we try to have good relationships, etc., etc.. In 1975, I found that this was not how the world actually operates. While these things are real, they are an illusionary layer of sensory input obfuscating the real government of the world.

There really is the thing I call the Ineffable, an infinite and eternal, self-existing "I AM THAT I AM" entity beyond all our imagination. That No-thing thing, which is not other, really does have a manifestation which has become us. It, unseen and unsensed (except for Its actions) -- omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent -- is monitoring and managing everything that is going on here WITHIN IT. We are a subset part of It. This is pretty hard to imagine and accept until the real government is observed by Its interventive actions. From that initial "wow" belief of witnessing it at work (e.g., in miracles and divine coincidences), one moves into spiritual experience which removes all doubt. This experience does not explain much, but is anchoring, settling: you KNOW something which is unobservable but indisputably real. You "see" invisible hands moving things toward a desired end. And it is all, wait for it, imagination; i.e., Mind, Consciousness, an invisible Power which can become whatever It wants, whatever It believes (assumes) It is. Miracles can and DO happen. That Ineffable "thing" is a Person beyond any kind of person we have ever met or imagined. But He is real.

So here we are in two worlds; the one we physically see and experience, and the one we can't see but can enter into the experience of. Kind of a Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Saul and David, or Satan (Ignorance) and Jesus situation. Believe me, please, the latter (spiritual kingdom) is REAL. It actually just takes some talking to it to tip you to faith. Go on. I am not lying. It, or “He,” really is there.


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