The Becoming God

Saturday, September 12, 2020

For What It's Worth

I have been talking with a kid (for me, anyone less than 50 years old) about two things: the rapidly approaching possibility of actual autonomous, self-driving cars; and the rapidly approaching possibility of mankind's total demise from the earth. The young man is a bit upset and unnerved that some scientists seriously propose that his five-year-old daughter might have only fifteen years left to live on earth, and that our scientific advancements will not suffice to either save the planet or get us off it. These are the interests of the upcoming generation in this world's milieu.

So it was with interest I read of a) William M. Branham's prophecy of "egg-shaped, self-driving cars"; and b) the Second Revelation of John. The first article I am going to ask you to look at demonstrates how NOT to understand a prophecy. The author completely misses what was prophesied and dismisses the seer. Egg Shaped Car

It should be obvious that the shape and control of future cars were NOT what were being prophesied, for those had been physically observed by Branham. What he saw in the future was that AT THE END OF DAYS there would be such automobiles. Scrolling down on Driverless Cars will bring you to the prophetic prediction: "The cars in that day will be shaped like an egg, running back like in this form there. And it'll be controlled by some kind of a power that they won't even have to use the steering wheel at times, just set her and go on like that (See?), before the annihilation. Now, you remember that I--I... That's on record. 57-0602 Life" (bold emphasis mine).

Approaching WITH the self-driving, egg-shaped car is "the annihilation." Interesting term. So it was with interest I discovered (thank you, YouTube suggestions) The (Second) Revelation of John. This John has a different pattern of events in the last days. Listen to the audio and read along from 5:00 to 5:10. "Then all the human race shall die, and there shall not be a living man on all the earth." The annihilation. Our scientific advancements will not suffice to get us past that.

Now, I am not saying that it is not all symbolic; it IS psychological. But in your psyche, do not worry about your driverless car; worry about the annihilation.

For What It's Worth, Stop. What's that sound? Everybody look what's going down.


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