Past Tense "Foretelling" of Christ Referenced the Beginning of Genesis 1:1
Please reference our conversation in What Demons Are. You have probably been taught that the ancient prophets of Israel foretold the coming of Jesus Christ. That in this foretelling, they showed the certainty of future events by speaking about them in the past tense. Isaiah chapter 53 is a popular example much taught. I offer to you that these are indeed about Jesus, but about Him as the Beginning in Genesis 1:1, where the Son of God (Imagination) fell into Creation. Because He became us and we are Him, all our guilt, sin, and disease is upon Him. He has ALWAYS been our substitute. Our atonement is our being His existence. This in no way detracts from the man who two thousand years ago played His part in the conclusion of the Season of Grace. What a conclusion (!!) we are destined to, for He and we are one.
I.e., the "foretelling" of the coming of Christ was in the past tense because the writers were looking at what was at the Beginning. THAT was when He actually came, and it is ongoing. The Season of Grace was a commemoration, an illustration and recapitulation of the entirety of history, another flag of God tipping His hand ("Yoohoo, this is what I am doing").
I can understand that - but this verse comes to mind, and it seems to suggest a separation of some kind between IT and US. What is this separation? And what is the experience described in this quote? "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
Maia, at 4:27 PM
Daniel C. Branham-Steele said...
There is a tremendous separation between the Ineffable Source beyond Ein Sof and the quantum particulate manifestation of Its consciousness's power, and that separation is awareness: ignorance on our part of the oneness of the whole. The Holy Spirit -- His consciousness -- keeps knocking on our head-balls trying to get us to awaken to notice the unity of it all. That is the phenomena of life. He HAS told us blatantly over and over and over. What do you think the scriptures are? We are responsible to "hear," to get it, to take the oneness of the whole (with us in our place) seriously and with confidence in its reality. Comprehension of the situation -- of living a life (Its) in the rebellion of independence and the guilt thereof -- will put a person on his or her face in shame and surrender, in full submission. That is the crack in the door He needs to come into our awareness as His GRACE. He is not coming FROM somewhere else, for He IS us. In the awareness of guilt and submission, HE POTS UP (AMPLIFIES) CONSCIOUSNESS OF OUR ONENESS. When two "sup" together, they become the same thing, for we are what we eat. We "eat" awareness of oneness with Him who is fully aware that we are one. Oh, the forgiveness that floods and overwhelms the soul with joy as His Life empowers ours from inside. This is the experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, which is, by the way, an EXPERIENCE, not a doctrine. The Holy Spirit, of course, is already GIVEN. It only needs to be received in the supping together.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 5:10 PM
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