The Becoming God

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Use of Gospel-is-Revelation ... or the Creative Power of God

Note : title is synopsis. Actually, having gotten all I want to say in the title, I could probably dispense with this debacle right here. But for those who could use a good sermon, term paper, or thesis subject, here in 3 and 4 is material I have been working with about 'gospel' being active revelation, the demonstrable exercise of God's power ...

Alexander's translation is "idiomatic," i.e., it goes for what the authors meant. The announcement of glad tidings is a revelation to those who receive it. They did not expect it, did not anticipate it. Bam! Here is the good news. It IS a revelation of great import. Awon-galee-yoon meaning revelation isn't in the etymology of the letter, but of the spirit. Further, the revelation isn't simply the announcement of information, the revelation comes in the demonstration of power.

I am concerned for LOAers who neither recognize nor honor God as their father. My observation has been that many (okay, not all) advocates of the Law of Attraction say that “God” is simply a neutral force we can use by the vibration of our mental-state, or that we can order the powers of the universe to do our bidding. I feel that LOA utilization basically denies the existence of an individual and distinct Person Who is the Consciousness of the ultimate One. Yet that Person is, in my opinion, THE Divine Person of Whom each of us is part, and that without division (i.e., we are not away, separate, or "other"). The Divine One is a loving and concerned Father to each of us, and our respecting It as such is simply right.

When something we desired manifests, it is a “gospel,” a reward and a revelation that the Consciousness, the Divine Person is real--that It is present, conscious, and powerful to act. As for our "vibe" doing anything, that too is Him. Prospering as our soul prospers is not having big bucks success at business; it is provision by Him of what He knows we need as our souls prosper in that Father-child relationship. Getting things doesn't mean anything EXCEPT that God is there and powerful and that we OUGHT by rights honor Him as Father. Jesus Christ is the action of God the Father saving us -- providing whatever we need.

What made T. L. Osborn T. L.? It was Jesus Christ standing in the air at the foot of his bed. Revelation. What made Neville Neville? It worked. Revelation. "It will always work. If it doesn't, the problem is in us."


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