A Continued Continued Response to an Anonymous Inquiry About Neville's Techniques and Selling Your Soul By Doing the "Dark Arts"
Neville never tried to force things to go his way. "Rebellion as witchcraft" is forcing things to go your way; it's "I am in control." That is basic Satanism: "You think you are in control, but you are actually being controlled by me." This is the concept of separation--the ignorance that is in man.
Satanism is not the worship of some dark lord or evil aspect of God. It is thinking that you, separately, control anything. We are all under the will of God: "Thy will must be being done by me and by everything that is in heaven and in the earth below, for Thou, O YHWH, art All!"
Neville never entertained the notion that he was separate from God. He never thought of forcing his will upon others. He prayed making his petitions known to God in faith by assuming them to be true, and then waited for God's will, not his, to be done:
From The Secret of Prayer, Neville Goddard, 10-06-1967:
"If you are still desiring, stop it right now! Ask yourself what it would be like, were your desire a reality. How would you feel if you were already the one you would like to be? The moment you catch that mood, you are thinking from it. And the great secret of prayer is thinking from, rather than thinking of. Anchored here, you know where you live, your bank balance, job, creditors, friends, and loved ones - as you are thinking from this state. But you can move to another state and give it the same sense of reality, when you find and practice the great secret of prayer.
"Take my message to heart and live by it. Practice the art of prayer daily, and then one day you will find the most effective prayer is: "Thank you Father." You will feel this being within you as your very self. You can speak of it as "thou" yet know it is "I." You will then have a thou/I relationship, and say to yourself: "Thank you, Father". If I want something, I know the desire comes from the Father, because all thought springs from Him. Having given me the urge, I thank Him for fulfilling it. Then I walk by faith, in confidence that he who gave it to me through the medium of desire will clothe it in bodily form for me to encounter in the flesh.
"Don't get in the habit of judging and criticizing, seeing only unlovely things. You have a life - live it nobly. It is so much easier to be noble, generous, loving, and kind, than to be judgmental. If others want to do so, let them. They are an aspect of yourself that you haven't overcome yet, but don't fall into that habit. Simply thank your heavenly Father over and over and over again, because in the end, when the curtain comes down on this wonderful drama, the supreme actor will rise from it all and you will know that you are He."
Your turn: "Lord, I am grateful for .... Thank you for it."
Thank you. I was just scrolling and see that you replied to me with this post. I don't know how I missed it the first time. I am also the one who asked you recently for information on buying Vic's Aramaic translation of the complete Bible. Or OT and NT translations separately, if that's how he formatted his translations. The reason being, I would like to read it for myself, the closest thing to the original, and ask the Holy Spirit for illumination, and come to my own understanding. I have spent my entire life believing what others taught, whether it be early religious upbringing or Neville, and everything in between. I look forward to getting his translations if they are still available.
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM
Nice little segue here. I just turned on, too, to wish Vic a happy Father's Day via e-mail (vicalexander37@gmail.com). I am not sure he can respond to direct sales requests at this time, but you can try (I think he has a stock of books at his home). ASK HIM!! I am sure he'd love the inquiry. Be aware that his Old Testament Scriptures is only Genesis, Exodus, Proverbs (up thru ch. 24), Qohlat (Ecclesiastes), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah, Zechariah, and Malachi; and use Maryah for the Lord and Allaha for God. I have both the paperback and hardbound New Testaments.
For a whole Bible translation from the Aramaic, I am still waiting and hoping for a response/recommendation from Andrew Chapman (theriveroflife.com). Here is some interesting info to scan through on Andrew's site:
Makes me wonder if Andrew can recommend any translation from the Aramaic at all.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:54 PM
Thanks a lot for the info Dan!
Anonymous, at 7:17 PM
Andrew Chapman recommended Etheridge and Murdock as translations from the Aramaic. "In fact, Alexander has not translated the whole Bible, but only the New Testament and a few books of the Old Testament. There have been many translations of the Peshitta New Testament into English, beginning with those of Etheridge (1846, 1849) and Murdock (1852). These two scholars certainly translated ‘from scratch’. Again, if Alexander’s New Testament is the first to be translated from his source language, then that language, whatever it may be, cannot be that of the Peshitta." -- This from
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:11 AM
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