The Becoming God

Sunday, March 15, 2020

No Neville on Purim, but Bullinger Appendix 60 is All About It

Hi Dan,

Purim was last week and it evolves around the book of Esther. Some rabbis say that Esther comes from Seter which is to hide hence the tradition associated with wearing costumes or masks to show that God acts behind the scenes. The word God is not mentioned in the book btw.

Couldn't find any Neville Goddard interpretation. Can you please shed some light on the book of Esther?



Yes, I couldn't find anything by Neville about Purim, Esther, Mordecai, or Haman, either. (search [control f] for Haman) has something about the number five and sardonyx stone.

Found a great treasure: The Complete Bible in Modern English Esther is on page 226. Ends with: 1 Note. —Purim, "Arrow," from the Persian, Pur, an arrow. —F. F.

"The word 'God' is not mentioned in the book?" Say what? Kat, you DO have The Companion Bible, don't you? I am pretty sure you know about the acrostics. It is one kind of insanity to not have Victor Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic, but I can understand it because he's got their prices sky high (I am working on getting him to lower them). To not have The Companion Bible is inexcusable for anyone who is trying to understand the Scriptures, because it can gotten for about twenty bucks at a used book store. And it is online. Bullinger devotes two whole pages to THE NAME OF JEHOVAH IN THE BOOK OF ESTHER. Here's another one: THE NAME OF JEHOVAH IN THE BOOK OF ESTHER. And, THE NAME OF JEHOVAH IN THE BOOK OF ESTHER.

I think Bullinger says it clear enough in the last two or three paragraphs of Appendix 60. God is hidden by our ignorance, but is ruling over all anyway. Something of a hidden but powerful Arrow. Sorry, Kat. To explain all or any of the other symbolism in the book is beyond me.


  • Thanks a lot Dan! It just the book always seemed odd to me

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:34 PM  

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