Thanking Joe Vitale for Reminding Me of How I Slipped Into the Trance That Led to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Asking for the gift of tongues in Hawaii in 1975, I found myself utterly rejected by God, and sobbing sought how I might become acceptable to Him. When I had “accepted” Jesus Christ a few weeks earlier, it was an intellectual, rational exercise. Before that, I had seen the spiritual realm in an occult meditation. I discovered that the biblical worldview accurately corresponds to reality, rather than the secular or spiritualist worldviews. I went forward at the House of Praise feeling it right and good to recognize the truth of the Bible. The guy next to me bawled like a baby. Now in prayer and finding myself rejected, I was in an “encounter” like that guy had been, man-to-man with God, our unconscious, and He was playing hardball (our link to God is God!). A novice, I was trying to find out the game.
Outcast, I wondered for a moment if I should just hang it up (the prayer I was in) and go search for why I was a pariah and what I could do about it. THIS IS THE THING: I decided to stay and stick with the encounter I sensed I was in. I had God on the line. I felt an almost tangible presence. His rejection was active and personal. To whom else could I go, who could tell me exactly why I was rejected and reveal to me how I might find acceptance? In desperation, I ASKED GOD, OUR UNCONSCIOUS, TO HELP ME, TO SHOW ME. And He did. My mind’s eye went off into a trance of explanation and revelation which culminated in my repentance, acceptance by God, and my receiving His Holy Spirit with the gift of tongues. I am glad I stuck with it.
The words, "To whom else could I go?" struck a bell with me. I looked up John 6:68, where those words occur. Oh. John chapter 6 is the answer as to why it worked: "Simon the Rock* (Peter) replied and said, 'My Lord, to whom shall we go? You hold the words to eternal life!'* (Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: 'The words of Lives to [the end of] the universe you have!'"). In my recognizing that God was there, and in my trying to give myself to God, I was trying to do the work. "They said to him, 'What shall one do to do God's Work?' Jesus replied, telling them, 'You do God's work as you believe in whom he sends'" (John 6:28-29 ). This was where I had tripped up. I had believed ABOUT Jesus. That's water. I hadn't believed HIM. That's blood. The work of God is to believe in whom He has sent. That is our unconscious subconscious, the spirit of God who is making us alive.
I cast the self-lordship of my conscious mind out of myself and fully submitted to God's direction. In my mind's eye I sensed God’s glory spreading over (above) me. That and our subconscious, our “unconscious,” are one. And we, submitted, believing in whom He sends, are one with them. Receive the quickening of the Holy Spirit.
I hope this portion of Vic Alexander's translation of John chapter 6 is enlightening:
27. "Do not work for the food that perishes, except [for] the food that [destines] you for eternal Life* (Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: ...that fastens [you] to Lives [to the end] of the universe). The hand of the Son of Man will give [it to] you. For [upon] this has the Father placed the seal of God.
28. They said to him, "What shall one do to do God's Work?
29. Jesus replied, telling them, "You do God's work as you believe in whom he sends.
32. Jesus said to them, "Amen, amen, I am telling you, it was not Moses who gave you bread from heaven, except it was my Father who gave you the bread of blessing from heaven.
33. "For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives Life to the universe* (people).
35. Jesus told them, "I am the bread of Life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall not thirst to the end of the universe.
36. "Except I told you that you saw me and you did not believe.
37. "Whoever my Father gives me, shall come to me; and whoever comes to me, shall not remain outside* (behind).
38. "That I came down from heaven, not for my own satisfaction, except for the satisfaction of whom sent me.
39. "This is the desire* (satisfaction) of the one who sent me, that no one whom He gives me shall be lost* (Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: that every [one or thing] that He gives me does not [go to] oblivion from Him), except [that] I shall raise them in the last day.
40. "For this is the desire* (satisfaction) of my Father, that whoever sees the Son and believes in him, shall have Life everlasting* (Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: lives to [the end of] the universe), and [that] I shall raise them on the last day.
44. "No human [being] can come to me, except if the Father ransoms* (saves) them, and [thus] I shall raise them on the last day.
45. "For the prophet wrote that, 'They shall all be taught by God.' Whoever thus hears from the Father and learns from Him, shall come to me.
46. "It is not that a human [being] has seen the Father, except the one who has come from God, he was the one who sees the Father.
47. "Amen, amen, I am telling you, that whoever believes in me has Life to [the end of] the universe.
48. "I am the bread of Life!
49. "Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness and died.
50. "For this is the bread that comes down from heaven, that a human [being] eats and does not die!
51. "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. And if a human [being] eats of this bread, [they] shall live to [the end of] the universe. But the bread that I offer is my body, that on behalf of the lives of all the people I give* (Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: 'my body that over the faces of the lives of the universe I give,' meaning: 'for all.').
53. And Jesus told them, "Amen, amen, I am telling you that if you do not eat the body of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, you cannot [receive] the [triune] essences* (Q'numeh) of a Living [human being.]
54. "Whoever eats of my body and drinks of my blood, shall receive Life to [the end of] the universe, and I will [surely] raise them on the last day.
55. "For my body truly becomes food and my blood truly becomes drinkable.
56. "Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood, is strengthened* (hardened, or fortified) in me and I in them.
57. "Whoever the Living Father has sent me, and I am alive because of the Father, and whoever eats of me, they also Live [eternally] because of me.
58. "This is the bread that comes down from heaven. It is not like the manna that your ancestors ate and died. Whoever eats of this bread lives to [the end of] the universe.
61. ... "Did this confuse* (whip) you?
62. "Then [what will you think] if you see the Son of Man ascend to the state that he possessed of old?
63. "It is the Spirit that gives Life. The flesh does nothing. The words that I speak with you are of the Spirit and the Life.
64. "But there are those* (human [beings]) among you that do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning* (old) who were the ones who did not believe, and who was to betray* (deliver) him.
65. And he told them, "Because of this I told you that no one* (human [being]) comes to me, if it were not given* (given in the sense of a gift or a blessing) to him by my Father.
67. And Jesus said to his twelve, "What [now,] are you also thinking of leaving"* ((For) what, also you are satisfied (you) for going [away])?
68. Simon the Rock* (Peter) replied and said, "My Lord, to whom shall we go? You hold the words to eternal life* (Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: the words of Lives to [the end of] the universe you have)!
69. "And we have believed and understand that you [are] the Anointed One, Son of the Living God!"
Thank you, Dr. Joe Vitale, for reminding me of that asking of the unconscious for help, and thank you ministers of Grace Bible Church of Honolulu, 1975, for your patience.
Hi Dan,
Purim was last week and it evolves around the book of Esther. Some rabbis say that Esther comes from Seter which is to hide hence the tradition associated with wearing costumes or masks to show that God acts behind the scenes. The word God is not mentioned in the book btw.
Couldn't find any Neville Goddard interpretation. Can you please shed some light on the book of Esther? Thanks
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM
Kat, Please see my next post:
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:09 PM
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