The Becoming God

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Ignorance: the Idea of Separation, not Knowing that God, the Consciousness of the Ineffable, is Our Source and Ourselves

Having converted to a seriously Christian worldview, I knelt with some Pentecostal ministers to receive the gift of tongues. To that end, I gave myself to God every way I could. Nothing. God wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. Much troubled by this rejection, in my mind I desperately sought how to resolve the problem and gain acceptance. My eyes were closed. I entered a trance. I did not want the trance; it wasn't something I did, but there I was.

The upshot of the trance was that I had lived all of my life in ignorance of God being my source. Because of my ignorance, I had not done what was right. I was not right. I thought my life was my life. I had ruled everything about my life. I had been my “god.” Even though I did believe in God, I believed that He and I were separate. THAT, right there, was my condemnation. Believing a divided existence between God and myself was blaspheme, the unforgivable sin. If you don't believe me, ask Eve.

Ixnay on the double bubble of Deity and Creation. The whole of everything is one whole: the Ineffable, consciousness, and matter -- we are all one.

From whence the ignorance, then? I believe ignorance was inherent in the Ineffable's own development. It did not start out knowing everything even though it was everything. How to get rid of Its own ignorance? What was not right in knowledge, i.e., that of God which was NOT like the Ineffable, would need to experience what would MAKE it right. That would entail at least the ignorant part of God entering this sphere of existence, the pure state of ignorance-by-amnesia the Bible calls death, to be generated into Its likeness.

When? Where? How? As the Beginning in Genesis 1:1. That was the Son of God, the consciousness of the Ineffable, becoming the mind of man . . . at the beginning, as “the Beginning.” THAT was when Jesus Christ, YHWH, the ACTION of God, was crucified on the "tree," i.e., the matter our bodies are made of. The two MODES became one. That part of God bowed to and submitted Itself in faith to the faithfulness of the Father. THAT event is what was memorialized by "Jesus Christ" at the end of the Season of Grace two thousand years ago. The original event at the beginning of time was INTERPRETED for us.

"I have found a ransom, redemption's price" (Job 33:24): submitting to God as the original Jesus Christ did is the key to salvation.


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