The Most Fascinating Discovery: Hebrews 9:27 Completely Mistranslated!!
The Gospel is that the Milta, the Manifestation of the Ineffable Most High God, upon the man Jesus PROVIDED all mankind's death and resurrection as we are found in Him by faith. In Him we are died, forgiven, and ascended. He--YOU!--are thus JUDGED RIGHTEOUS. THIS is the faith we are to stand in.
The discovery:
In my own search for refinement, I chew on contrary doctrine. While enjoying "I'm a Pentecostal" on Youtube, I noticed "Why I am not a Pentecostal" in the suggestion column. The fellow speaking in the video proved to be as bad an expositor as I, rejecting the baptism in the Holy Spirit because a) it was taught by a woman, b) he was among inept communicators of the Pentecostal experience, and c) he admittedly FAKED his own baptism in the Holy Spirit. From this he concluded that the entire Pentecostal movement is in error. He was at least right about his part of it.
He did insist, though, that the Gospel which saves and provides the Holy Spirit in us is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4:
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.
He actually has something there. Col. J. Garnier makes much the same point in The Worship of the Dead, especially clear in chapter 17 (XVII) on pages 358-361; that the "psychical," emotional experience of spiritual things IN THE PHYSICAL such as the baptism in the Holy Spirit doesn't mean squat, and that we are saved by FAITH based on the finished work of Christ. But I must needs check Alexander, where I found the most amazing discovery yet: Hebrews 9:27 is totally mistranslated, misconstrued, and misapplied--the judgment is God sees me at the END.
1 Corinthians 15 according to Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic:
1. I declare to you then, brethren, the Revelation of the Kingdom, of Whom I preached to you and which you accepted and upheld.
2. And through Him you Live, whereas it was the Manifestation that proffered [the Kingdom,] if you are confirmed, if you did not believe in idle manner.
3. For I delivered to you from the beginning that which I received, that Jesus died on behalf of our sins, as is written [in Scriptures,]
4. That he was buried and rose within three days, as is written [in Scriptures.]
Quickly frying my mind was "the Revelation of the Kingdom, of Whom." The Kingdom of God, said Paul, was a Who and a Him. I thought, why, that must be the Milta of which he speaks. Beep. "Whereas it was the Manifestation that proffered [the Kingdom,]" nixed that idea, as the Manifestation of God is the Milta. Oh. Then the Milta, the Manifestation proffering the Kingdom, is the ANOINTING of GOD upon Eashoa (Aramaic for the Jew we call Jesus), the Messiah. The man under the anointing is the Kingdom--verily the wisdom and the power of God. THIS KINGDOM/ANOINTING IS PROFFERED TO US IF WE ACTIVELY BELIEVE THE TESTIMONY IS TRUE, "not in idle manner." Cool. Looks like the speaker in the video, having himself faked tongues to become a charlatan, did not get past idle manner and into the meat of surrender and submission unto God. By his own exegesis, he is eliminated (and by the way, wasn't the problem in Corinth that they were faking their baptism in the Holy Spirit just like the speaker?).
"That he was buried and rose within three days, as is written [in Scriptures]," verse 4, stands out like a sore thumb. Within three days? Every exposition I have heard forces three full days and three full nights as Jesus' self-determined time in death. Can it be truncated? I have believed that three days is symbolic of our time in this experience of death. It is three days, a perfect number, from when we first enter death--this amnesia--until we awaken as God and ascend. We are appointed once to die to Godhood, and then through innumerable lives grow and mature until we reach the judgment attaining to the Promise: the return. The original death was God's intelligence deeming itself to enter the ignorance of the sunflowers as man, which is us. Well, needs check Alexander to see the passage in Hebrew 9 in the Aramaic:
24. For neither did the Messiah enter into a holy place that was built by hands, that is in the likeness of the true one, except He entered heaven itself so as to be seen in the visage of God, for our sake.
25. Nor did He offer Himself many seasons as did the leading king priests, entering every year into the holy place with the blood that was not their own.
26. And if otherwise, He would have had to suffer the Passion many seasons since the beginning of the universe. Now, however, He offered Himself only one time* (season) at the end of the universe in the Sacrifice that annihilates sin.
27. And whereas He consecrated for human beings to die one season, and after their death, one judgment,
28. Likewise also the Messiah offered Himself one season, through His [human] Essence He obliterated the sins of many, so as in the second season those who held onto Him would see themselves Alive without their sins.
Whoa! In the Anointing, the man Jesus RECAPITULATED (said again, reversing the effect) the Milta's own death as the Beginning (see my dicing of Genesis 1:1). In doing so, he became the Sacrifice that annihilates sin at the END of the universe. 'TAIN'T NOTHING MISSED!
If you have thought that Hebrews 9:27 was saying that we get one chance at life, and then judgment to either heaven or hell, you are wonderfully mistaken. Still, I wouldn't chance trying God's patience. Believe the testimony "not in idle manner."
PS for AnnMon: LaDonna Osborn Referring to William Marrion Branham Just an aside, AnnMon. Branham went into some weirdness error later, thinking he was Elijah or something, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. If you can see yourself alive without sins, which is offered to everyone, you can lay your hands upon yourself and command the demon of infirmity to leave you, and you can speak to your bones, "Be healed in Jesus' name." You too can do this.
Hi Dan,
Interesting post Dan!
Did you read God's debris by Scott Adams? It's philosophical fiction book that states that god annihilated himself in the Big Bang, because an omniscient entity would already know everything possible except his own lack of existence.
Neville talks about memory will returns and we will end up knowing who we are and that only the Father knows when to reveal himself. Seems like it wasn't a total annihilation and que sera sera...
I wanted also to ask you if you can shed some light over Numbers 23:19. From the Orthodox Jewish bible: El is not an ish, that He should lie; neither a ben adam, that He should change His mind; hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not carry it out?
What would be the definition of ish? I would translate Ben adam as human being
In genesis : This one at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one shall be called isha for from man ish she was taken.
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM
Thank you!! I will be reading this post a few times, and will check the link
AnnMon, at 7:07 PM
No. I conceptualize God as a consensus of individual thoughts in the consciousness of the Ineffable. I.e., It is imagining, and "God" is that action (imagining being the only action the Ineffable No-thing can make).
The original ancient Aramaic of El is Eil, the Almighty thing above. Thoughts of the Ineffable are like the sunflowers in Neville's vision "Unless I Go Away" ( Here is the thing: there is something the sunflowers do not know. Resolving THAT is what is going on. It is an ignorance inherent in the consciousness of the Ineffable: how to be free as the Ineffable. Somehow the consciousness which is the sunflower is freed to become an individual spirit. 'Ish' is an individual IGNORANT spirit in motion. Hence the lie. As a son of Adam (the life-blood of God), it manifests error, that it should repent.
Notice how each second line in the prophecy/poem restates the idea of the line before it. Our problem here is that we are ishes, manifesting error because of our ignorance. Hereis an interesting fantasy about Adam and Eve ( I totally disagree, of course, as the scriptures are addressing MIND, not historical people. Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Seth, Enosh, the antediluvian patriarchs Noah, Nimrod, Shem and Ashur, etc. to the end ARE ALL PSYCHOLOGICAL ELEMENTS. Perhaps there were historical people, but their historical notoriety has been usurped for the symbolic purposes of the scripture's authors to explain MIND.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:19 PM
A bit more for Kat:
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:07 PM
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