Minnie Riperton-Rudolph’s Birthday, November 8
I have been healed; I know of others who were healed. We can watch T.L. Osborn crusades where hundreds are healed. My mother was an ardent believer, and she died. Why wasn’t Minnie healed? Why wasn’t Mom? What is going on?
We cannot make God heal us, but we can put ourselves where he will: where He is doing. God reminds me through Minnie and Mom that success is not getting what I want, but their healing. There is no success without healing.
To me, Minnie Riperton was just the singer in Rotary Connection. Her passing was an injustice. I do not believe in the Satan character in the Bible and his hoards of demons (though I have met a demon face to face), but I certainly do believe in the ignorance which keeps us from healing the Minnie Ripertons and Moms of the world. THAT force of injustice we have got to overcome.
Today, remember Minnie, remember your “Mom,” and devote your life to healing. Let’s find success.
That has been a question of mine for years and years. I have half a hip and bone degeneration in my back and hips. Am I suffering this ailment because I think I'm supposed to? Do I choose this by imagining it to be normal for me, thereby doubting the possibility that it can change? Those have been my exact questions. There was the death of my father due to a brain tumor. When he found out he had brain cancer he said, "I'm ok with whatever happens. If it's my time to go, I'm ready for that." He was 41 when he died. I am 43 now. I can't imagine just feeling like "welp, ok, death is fine with me." I feel there is so much more to learn! I want to squeeze blood from this turnip, and have on several occasions prayed for more time. Yet the pain and limited mobility make things very difficult sometimes, especially now in winter.
I've been reading through your blogs. What you are writing about is exactly what I've been coming to realize over the past ten years. Though I am skeptical there was a physical historical Jesus, I haven't completely rejected the idea. What I look at is Christ, The Son, Messiah, etc. in the present, how this is relevant to me and to all in the presence of their individual experience. The crucifixion, death, resurrection, glorification, final Union, all of these things are relevant in the present for every individual having a conscious experience process, its just difficult to "see" or "perceive" until it is made manifest in consciousness. Such an intimate experience with God.
These are just my thoughts, contemplations.
AnnMon, at 1:41 PM
Dear AnnMon,
My condolences for the loss of your father, much remembered by you. I think you will like my post tonight on Hebrews 9:27. Also, Neville, I am writing to a much earlier post's comment, suggested that when we pass we awaken as ourselves at an earlier age BUT ON A DIFFERENT TRACK. This is something I had not understood, and the commenters were setting me straight. When we pass from that track, if we have not attained to the Promise we go again to an earlier age and try another track. The cut off tracks are just forgotten. FOR THE MOMENT I am after catching healing. My inspiration is T. L. Osborn who saw Jesus appear in his bedroom one morning. He did not receive a gift of healing, received no call to healing, felt no anointing while healing, BUT KNEW JESUS WAS REAL AND ALIVE--WHATEVER HE WAS. Thus he believed what the Bible said. It says preach, and people will be healed. So he preached. Lay hands on people, cast out demons. It said it; he did it; they were healed--just taking the Word for what it says. Our mistake might be that we think Jesus is the Christ. It is Jesus AND the Christ, the Anointing Milta. The two became one. The Gospel is our invitation to THAT. If I can give you anything here, I'd say meditate on "By his stripes you were healed." Maybe we can end the track we are on, and start a new healed one. God bless.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:36 PM
Thank you Dan,
I very much appreciate your response, the information and the compassion you have. I have sought to know the truth since my early twenties, after a profound insight or revelation, whatever it was, that God/Father reached into himself and pulled out a handful of tiny lights, and with a great breath blew them out into the darkness. Immediately I knew that was/is for us. What goes out from the Father returns to the Father, and never void. I grew up in an Evangelical/Pentecostal family, and left that tradition behind when I moved away. My experience with it as a child and young adult was traumatic and confusing, yet I never lost faith in God, or in Christ, I just have had a huge struggle in how to perceive Jesus/Christ. I feel very connected to Spirit, even at times being so comforted and feeling like I'm being loved, just like from a parent. Only 1.000 times more powerful. I have never had a real visual vision or experienced a drastic healing, yet I always remember the saying of Jesus to Thomas, "Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet still believe."
Last winter about this time, I took an evening drive. From the grocery store where I was coming out, I could see a house on the city hillside more than five miles away. It was all lit up and flashing with an interesting timing and I had to see what it was. So I found it after some getting lost on side streets. When I got there, I saw the lights were Christmas lights, there were cars all up and down the street, stopping for a few moments then passing on slowly. In the yard outside of the house there was a lit up sign that said to tune the radio into a certain FM frequency, so I did. The lights were flashing in time to the Christmas music that came onto my radio. Then a verse popped into my head BANG with an accompanying warm goosebumps sensation that went from head to toe, and the verse is, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they put it on a lampstand, and it gives light to everyone in the house." Matt. 5:14.
It wasn't long before that, when I was on my way to work one morning, I stopped at a gas station for some coffee. I put the cup under the spout and pulled the spigot forward. Then all of my thoughts stopped and there was perfect peace and a presence with me. In my mind, not audibly, but very powerfully in my mind I sensed these words, "Are you ready to come home?" At that very instant the thought of my fiancee and his children flashed into my mind. Then it was over. The whole experience did not even seem to last five seconds, yet it seemed to be eternal somehow. I bought my coffee and left. As I was driving down the freeway, it was a hill, a car passed me and began to slide on ice. I did not see the ice. The car went sideways, and I had again a sense of complete calm and peace as I lifted my foot off the gas and allowed my car to just coast. The car in front of me slid sideways the other way and fishtailed again before straightening out, it seemed to be just a couple of feet in front of me, I don't know how far. But then it just straightened out and kept going, and the whole thing was over. The peaceful calm left and my legs began to shake. I was immediately thankful, because I remembered what just happened in the gas station, and at the same time I felt sorrow because I do get such a feeling of homesickness, and I question myself, was I supposed to go home? Was I supposed to not be so attached to this life? I wonder if a lot of people have these kinds of experiences. This was my third such experience, but the only one where there was immediate proof that I could have been killed right there.
I hesitate to call anything good or evil, I do not know. I treat it as neutral, and as the will of God for whatever reason. Yet I am very hard on myself. There are so many different ways to experience the reality of God, such an intimate relationship of Father and child. I feel it so strongly at times.
AnnMon, at 6:54 PM
The Word says, "You are my witnesses" says the Lord, "my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may consider and believe in me, and understand that I am he. No god was formed before me, and none will outlive me. I, I am the Lord, and there is no deliverer besides me. I decreed and delivered and proclaimed, and there was no other god among you. You are my witnesses," says the Lord, "that I am God. From this day forward I am he; no one can deliver from my power, I will act, and who can prevent it?" Isaiah 43:10-13
He says, "I am God, and there is no other deliverer."
I read this whole chapter as addressed to the one who has the Son within. The whole chapter must be read, and I understand it as having played out time and time again in my own life. I tell my weird and far-out experiences to anyone who will listen. Anyone who has the Son knows the voice of the Father and recognizes him as Father, and rejoices with his testimony, and also experiences the power as bestowed upon the Son. There are those like me who have not seen a vision of the Son, or heard an audible expression of his voice, and yet still believe because the works of the Father testify for themselves. The Spirit brings to remembrance the words of life, the Father bestows the power, the Son is the beneficiary and manifestation of that power. I have never wanted opulence, nor have I so intensely desired healing that I've longed insatiably for it. But what my hearts desire has always been is love, reassurance, and security in God himself. How can I deny the Son any other way than by denying my own self as God's child? Isn't that the gift we have been given?
You said Jesus AND Christ. That immediately brought to mind John 10:34-38, verse 36 to be precise where Jesus said, "do you say about the one whom the Father set apart and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' Because I said, 'I am the Son of God?"
It seems he refers first to the one set apart and then to himself, as though he has become merged with the one set apart. He then goes on to say, "If I do not perform the deeds of my Father, do not believe me. But if I do them, even if you do not believe me, believe the deeds."
The works declare such a union, speaking for themselves. Anything requested of the Father is granted to the Son, and these are the manifestations, or works. But without 'the one set apart', there can be no such manifestation. And it is not difficult to become united to the one set apart, anyone who thirsts for this relationship will be given it when they surrender themselves to it. Of the Promise, I have no experience, not as Neville described it. But foreshadowings have come in dreams.
I will move on to read your latest post. Thank you again for taking the time to share so much information, and to discuss with us who leave comments.
AnnMon, at 6:54 PM
Regarding the idea of merging above:
“You said Jesus AND Christ. That immediately brought to mind John 10:34-38, verse 36 to be precise where Jesus said, "do you say about the one whom the Father set apart and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' Because I said, 'I am the Son of God?"
It seems he refers first to the one set apart and then to himself, as though he has become merged with the one set apart. He then goes on to say, "If I do not perform the deeds of my Father, do not believe me. But if I do them, even if you do not believe me, believe the deeds.”
We and the Christ are already one. It is a matter of cranking up the awareness. There are the deeds: He’s here!
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:41 AM
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