The Becoming God

Monday, December 16, 2019

Heading For Healing 8: the Divine "Uh-oh"

The Ineffable Most High is a structure of relationships. There is the Ineffable Itself, and there is Its consciousness. There is intelligence involved, and imagination. Causative imaginative action is what we call "God." Its intelligence becomes in particulate reality what It imagines It is. Which is cool, but also presents a problem. The imagining part channels the will of the Ineffable without knowing what it is to be the Ineffable--which it is, but doesn't know it. This ignorance is cause for the Ineffable to act to get rid of it, to get rid of the imperfection or fault of the imagination's ignorance.

The Divine Ignorance is as much a reality as any other facet of consciousness. It has a vested interest in keeping us ignorant, for it only exists as long as there is ignorance. As soon as we, the imagination of the Ineffable fully wake up, it is dead! Kaput. Gone. Vanquished, and destroyed. It therefore actively defends its own interests by making and keeping imagination ignorant.

In the Ineffable's structure of relationships, Its overall Manifestation, the Milta, IS the Ineffable's Consciousness, Intelligence, and Imagination ... and Its Ignorance. The Milta was that which descended into material form, became physically manifest and in ignorance UNLIKE the Ineffable. I.e., sin was first the fault of the Milta in descending to manifest Its own ignorance. The Divine Ignorance was not the actor in the first cause of sin.

The Ineffable's structure of relationships is still more dynamic. Its Milta can imbue or anoint individual elements of Its manifestation with Its own nature--that of the whole of the Ineffable. The Divine Ignorance did not understand that the Milta was joined with the Jew who was causing Ignorance problems. It ACTED to get the Jew killed. In getting the Jew killed, it "killed" the Milta with him. Yes, the Milta had brought us all here, but it was for ignorance. Ignorance was cause for amnesia, but amnesia's sin was the Milta’s fault. Having “killed” the Milta, the Milta was off by sacrifice and the Devil became the guilty one. "Uh-oh!" His works thus WERE DESTROYED, and his accusations against Imagination--us--were thrown out of court.

This was man's status from the Beginning in Genesis 1:1, and is what was displayed in the Season of Grace which ended with Daniel's 70 7's. The Beginning of time and the End of time joined in the sacrifice of the Jew. And THAT is what is offered to us. The Devil's just waiting for his death sentence to be carried out in our waking up. The Divine Ignorance of God has lost! It can flail and scream, but it hasn't a leg to stand on. We have but to speak to it to dismiss it, and to introduce understanding and illuminating experience. I hope you will say, "Thank you," to Him.


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