The Becoming God

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ruminations on Neville Goddard's Vision In "Unless I Go Away"

Just because God shows us things doesn't mean we understand them. But we know somehow it is true, and whatever "reality" is has to align with this revealed truth. In Unless I Go Away, Neville saw an immense field of large sunflowers which each had a human face and moved in unison to every thought or the will of God. If one smiled, they all smiled; if one swayed, they all swayed. And they were glorious. Beautiful. Neville could not compare with them at all, except for one thing: he was free. They were all fixed, stuck in the ground at their location, while Neville could move independently.

I believe what Neville saw was the fault of the Ineffable: Its imagination is Its action, and thus is It, but is not equal to It in independence and initiative. I.e., the Ineffable's imagination misses the mark of being like the Ineffable. Neville himself, though, in the vision was one of these imagination sunflowers cut loose to develop in likeness to the Ineffable.

Cool. Here we are, the cut loose imagination sunflowers of the Ineffable developing into the likeness of the Ineffable we were missing. Imagination is consciousness in action, so I am going to call all the sunflowers conscii: individual bits of the Ineffable's consciousness. As we imagine, what we imagine we become. Unfortunately, when we imagine being a stupid human, that is that we become. We are simply the Ineffable's conscii sent into development in this self-ruination, which Neville saw next to the field of sunflowers as a huge dump "where they throw all the garbage of the world." If there is any judgment in that, it is that we are unlike the Ineffable. A dump is where that goes.

Neville saw a large rat. Think a newly arrived conscius for development. Now, here is the thing I am ruminating on: Neville in this vision is himself a conscius. He is from the field of sunflowers. He has, as a conscius, developed in some measure. Now he is in the dump with fresh ignorance. So Neville as a developed conscius catches the undeveloped and puts it in a cage. To lead it, to restrain it, to train it, to develop it. Does anything here sound like "angel"?

Of course, there are no angels. There are messengers, conscii who take the responsibility of speaking for and taking the actions of God. For we already are conscii who are God, the imagination of the Ineffable. This is where we sway.


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